My StoryIn January 2005, my 10-month-old daughter, Ruth Ann, died in my husband’s arms of a rare genetic disorder. We had known she most likely wouldn’t make it to her first birthday, but her death still left me utterly shocked and heart-broken.   Letting go of my dreams for her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I stopped taking care of my health and ate too much. A month later, I weighed 198 pounds–the heaviest I’d ever been. Still emotionally distraught, I had no idea what to do with myself.   A healing Plan Now I’m training for the US Olympic racewalking trials in 2008. It’s a big dream, but having the courage to try is my way of honoring Ruth’s life. The truth is, every time I go out for a walk, I invite her to come along, because I know that her spirit will always be with me.

How I Did It

I ate fewer…servings. I now eat six small meals a day instead of having seconds or thirds at dinner. And I cut back on comfort foods like Ben & Jerry’s.   I ate more…snacks, but healthy ones– baby carrots, almonds, and whole grain cereal–to curb hunger between meals.   I exercised…at least an hour, 5 or 6 days a week. And when I trained for a marathon, I walked at least 5 miles a day–sometimes up to 5 hours on weekends.   I reminded myself…that if my infant daughter, Ruth, could laugh in the face of pain, I could keep walking.   Unexpected gain: I can’t believe how much younger I look and feel. What really surprised me was when my 20-year-old daughter blurted out that she’s tired of all her guy friends saying, “Your mom is hot!”   My health bonus: I’ve had asthma for years and was on prophylactic steroids. Since I started walking, my breathing has improved dramatically. Except for during the worst part of allergy season, I haven’t needed any medication.   (Posted April 2007)