To reach this conclusion, researchers at the University of Leeds analyzed eight long-term studies from the US, Japan, Europe, and Australia. Among people who don’t get enough fiber (the recommended daily amount is 25 grams for women and 38 for men), researchers concluded that eating just seven more grams of fiber a day would lower their stroke risk by almost 10%. Why? Fiber helps prevent many of the health issues that, when combined, can make stroke more likely, says Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, author of The Miracle Carb Diet: Make Calories and Fat Disappear—With Fiber. Fiber makes you less likely to be overweight by slowing digestion and keeping you fuller for longer. It also helps stave off high cholesterol by sopping up lipids in your blood. What’s more, fiber helps prevent insulin resistance, which can prevent high blood pressure, says Zuckerbrot.  But as anyone who’s suddenly upped her fiber intake knows, loading up on too much roughage at once can lead to some pretty uncomfortable digestive situations in the form of constipation, bloating, and gas. To avoid constipation, be sure to drink plenty of water. “Fiber acts like a sponge, soaking up water in the intestine—if you don’t drink enough, the fiber ends up sitting like a brick in your stomach and isn’t able to pass through,” Zuckerbrot says.  To bypass gas and bloating, give your system plenty of time to adjust slowly by adding just a few more grams of fiber to your diet each day over the course of a week until you hit the daily recommend dose. Also be sure to steer clear of gum and carbonated drinks—the artificial sweetener and extra air bubbles can make matters worse. (If you do end up with gas and bloating, try this smoothie fix.) Here’s how to sneak more fiber into your meals and snacks: Breakfast Add spinach to scrambled eggs; or switch your usual cold cereal for a hot mix made of whole grains, like oats or quinoa, topped with a handful of berries.  Lunch Have a legume-based soup, like lentil or black bean. For even more fiber, eat it with a baked potato (skin on).   Snacks Avoid afternoon hunger pangs with a combo of fiber and protein, like whole grain crackers with turkey, pistachios with dried apricots, or an apple with string cheese.   Dinner Swap white pasta for whole wheat and toss it with a veggie-rich sauce, like marinara with sautéed broccoli and shredded carrots.  And opt for a salad with baby spinach over iceberg lettuce for two extra grams of fiber.  More from Prevention: 9 Ways To Never Have A Stroke 

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