Researchers from Miriam Hospital’s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center in Rhode Island assigned 44 volunteers to take part in a behavioral weight loss program for 24 weeks. Study participants were given support from either a health professional, a fellow group member, or someone who’d lost weight in a previous research trial and kept it off. The results? While support equaled weight loss overall, those who got support from professionals or from fellow group members lost the most.  More from Prevention: 7 Ways Technology Can Help You Lose Weight Bottom line, you gotta have friends. “Try not to go it alone and enlist someone who will be helpful to you in terms of staying accountable," says lead study author Tricia Leahey, PhD, an assistant professor of research at the center.  And you don’t want just anybody to lean on, she says. Make sure you’re linking up with someone who’s a good fit and very motivated. “One thing we found in our trial is that the weight losses between peers were correlated,” she says. “If one partner did very well with their weight loss, their partner was likely to have the same results.” That means you’ll want to enlist the help of an inspirational professional—like a nutritionist or a trainer you click with—or friend whose goals align with yours. Here’s what to look for when it comes to finding the right pal to help you power off the pounds:  

  1. Go same sex. Find someone of the same gender, as people of the same sex seem to gel a little bit better with regards to weight loss, says Dr. Leahey.
  2. Gauge how serious she is. Look for someone who seems truly motivated to engage in lifestyle change, and who’s willing to help you be accountable, says Dr. Leahey. That means someone who’s up for logging in early morning walks and can help you rethink that extra piece of birthday cake.
  3. Seek similar goals. Team up with someone who has a similar amount of weight to lose, Dr. Leahey says. That means that your buddy who’s just trying to maintain her weight might not be as good of a match as your friend who’s looking to shed similar amounts of weight that you are.
  4. Use technology to your advantage. Study participants met with their weight loss partners in person—and through emails. Find people with similar goals though our free Flat Belly Community, and get ready to be cheered on to your own personal victory.