I started getting migraines and a little bit of anxiety after I had my second child at age 33. I felt stressed and generally exhausted. I had heard exercise was good for you and might be able to help with my headaches and mood, so I figured I’d give it a shot. (Your body changes after age 40 – and your fitness program program should change along with it. Prevention’s Fit After 40 is designed specifically for older women, to help you firm up with the most effective exercises for your age!) I started going to a gym in my late 30s, where I worked out with weight machines and took a spin class here and there. I got to know the instructor, who helped me do new things at the gym. Slowly, I began to feel more relaxed and energetic. Then I changed my diet by cutting out fast food and not eating out as much. Eventually I went on an elimination diet to figure out my migraine triggers. Caffeine turned out to be a big one, so I don’t have any at all anymore. MORE: Over 40? You’ll Want To Do These Exercises Every Week. At the time, I was working at a desk job. I hated sitting in one spot all day. The more I got into exercise, the more I started to research ways to improve my wellbeing. That led to me decide I couldn’t sit at a desk anymore. So I decided to get certified as a personal trainer while I was still working at my office job in 2006. I was 43 at the time. Once I got certified, I quit and got a job as a personal trainer. (Here are 5 signs you’ve been in your job too long—and how to find a new one you’ll actually enjoy.) At the gym where I worked out, some women were training for a fitness competition. I had always been interested in these competitions because of the level of commitment they require. They really push you to the next fitness level. But these women were around 20 years younger than me. I wondered if I was too old for a fitness competition. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was contradicting what I’d tell my clients all the time: You’re never too old to get fit. So, at age 50, I made a last-minute decision to enter my first fitness competition. I got in the absolute best shape of my life—and I had just 10 weeks to do it! I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I worked with a competition team. There was so much camaraderie from the other women. Through the team I was given a fitness and nutrition program to follow. I didn’t need to lose weight as much as I needed to change my body composition, so I lifted weights six days a week for an hour or two at a time. I ate six small meals a day that included 3 to 4 ounces of protein and lots of vegetables. Sweet potatoes and brown rice were also staples. I couldn’t have any added sugar, dairy, or alcohol. At first, it actually felt like a lot of food, but after a week or two my body began to adapt, and I felt hungry every two to three hours. (Try these !) My diet was even more restricted in the week before the competition. I basically ate fish and asparagus for six meals a day. I even had to cut back on water so I wasn’t bloated on the competition day. That made the workouts even more physically exhausting. I was really tired, but I still had to push through. It required a lot of mental toughness; in fact, I think training for a fitness competition was harder mentally than it was physically for me. The weightlifting was intense and the diet was different than what I was used to, but there were days when I just didn’t feel like working out and I had to motivate myself to get out there and do it. I would think about my clients; I wanted to show them age is just a number. There were days when I just wanted a piece of cake, but I couldn’t have one. PREVENTION PREMIUM: Your Science-Backed Guide To Staying Healthy, Slim, And Strong At 40, 50, 60 And Beyond True talk: The competition was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I was used to wearing gym clothes, and now, I was walking out on stage in 5-inch heels and a bikini. But I was so proud of how hard I worked, whether I placed or not. I was proud of every single person who stepped on that stage, because I knew how hard they all worked, too. I felt at 50 that it was a huge accomplishment. I competed in the masters division against women age 45 and up. At some competitions, the masters division starts at age 35, and I thought that seemed a little unfair! I’m not saying you can’t get in great shape at 50, but there’s a difference between a 35-year-old and me! Even 45–I was still competing against women 5 years younger than me. But I ended up coming in fourth–top five! The experience made me realize even more that people can do whatever they set out to do. After you walk out on a stage in a bikini with hundreds of people judging your body, everything else is easy. (If you’re over 40 and want to start running for the first time, here are 8 things you need to know.) I loved my first fitness competition so much that I did two more after that within a year, and that led to some fitness modeling. I think people are drawn to the idea that I’m in my 50s and still so fit. I hope I’m a role model to my kids. MORE: This Is What Being Fantastically Fit At 60 Looks Like Over the years I gained more and more personal training experience, and I had the honor of opening my own studio, Everlasting Fitness, last year. The main focus of my studio is to help women realize age is just a number. I’m 54 now, and my clients are mostly in their 40s and 50s. I hear women making excuses: “I can’t do this.” “I have kids.” “I’m going through menopause.” Believe in yourself! I try to create a community where anything is possible. I offer boxing classes, strength training, bootcamps, even a workout based on Spartan races. You really can do anything you put your mind to.