A new study, however, offers up a clever trick to help us nosh on tasty treats in moderation…without feeling deprived. Researchers at Cornell University concluded that when people are given smaller portions of snack foods, including chocolate chips, apple pie, and potato chips, they feel just as satisfied as individuals given larger servings. Researchers divvied study participants into two groups: The first group was given several large portions of different snack foods, while the second group was given more moderate servings of the treats. Fifteen minutes after finishing their snacks, participants were asked to rate their feelings of satiation and satisfaction with the repast. The result? Subjects given larger portions consumed 77% more food (around 100 extra calories)—but didn’t report feeling more satisfied or more full than their peers.  So before you assume that one chocolate just won’t cut it, close the box and put it away. Then, after you’ve enjoyed the decadent treat, ask yourself whether you really need another one to satisfy your craving. After all, this kind of mindful eating technique can clue you into your body’s signals—and like this study suggests, you’ll likely find yourself satisfied with less. Here, three more tricks to ace mindful eating: Serve food on a white plate. When Spanish researchers served study participants strawberry mousse on both black and white plates, subjects found the white-plated dessert to be sweeter, more enjoyable, and more intense. Why? White complements the colors of vibrant foods, making them seem even tastier and more satisfying. Try progressive relaxation. Feeling anxious? If you tend to overeat when you’re stressed, try this technique before hitting the fridge. Breathe slowly, then focus on one area of your body at a time. As you exhale, feel tension in that area melt away. Start with your feet, and end with your neck, shoulders, head, and face (relax your eyes and even your tongue—you may be surprised by how much tension you’re holding!). Twenty minutes of relaxation appears to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can trigger food cravings.Stop, look, and listen while you eat. Don’t talk with your mouth full, and don’t multitask while you dine. Cultivate the art of conversation, and prolong your meal, by putting your fork down between bites and focusing on table talk. If you’re eating solo, focus on appreciating every single bite—rather than the TV.  More from Prevention: Sick Of Calorie-Counting? Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.