More from Prevention: Career Change 101   So what if you’re leaving your job by choice? If there’s a chance you may want to return to your ex-company in the future, you’re going to need a sensible exit strategy. We broke down the top rules about jumping ship while not burning bridges.  Rule #1: Be respectful and direct. If you’re leaving by choice, tell your boss first and don’t let her hear it through the grapevine, says Nicole Williams, connection director for LinkedIn. Tell her it’s been a privilege to work with her and the staff, and make sure to establish that your decision has nothing to do with the way she runs things—even if it secretly does. There’s no use making an enemy your last day on the job. Rule #2: Wrap it up. “Once you leave the company, chances are you’ll be forgotten very quickly,” says Williams. (Ouch.) “So close up well to leave a good impression.” Here’s how: Before you give your boss your two weeks notice, make sure a majority of your pressing projects or obligations are taken care of. “Even if you have something better lined up, you still want a reference out of this,” says Williams. So put in the extra work and tie up your loose ends before you walk out the door. It’ll only help you in your next opportunity. Rule #3: Be discreet. Even if you hated the position you’re leaving behind, avoid saying anything negative about the departure process on any of your social networks. And don’t even think about venting to co-workers. “You should never underestimate how small the world is,” says Williams. “People are more connected than you think, and the truth is, people within the industry talk.” 
Rule #4: Show gratitude. After you’ve had your last day in the office, mail one last thank-you note to your boss, regardless if you left on your own terms or got the axe, says Williams. Thanking the big guy for the opportunity he gave you shows you valued your time and experience with the company. Plus, it sets you apart from the crowd, Williams says. How many bitter ex-employees waste postage on the companies that canned them? That extra 45 cents could pay off in a couple years. Rule #5: Keep connected. Obviously you can keep tabs on previous employers via Facebook and LinkedIn, but if you want to reconnect in person and keep them thinking about you, shoot them an email three months after your exit. It’s the perfect amount of time: Not long enough for you to come across as old news, but not short enough that your co-workers feel bothered, says Williams. Pencil in a couple coffee dates—the vibe will be less employer-employee, and more like two industry connections meeting up to talk shop. (For more ways to maintain your connections, read The Right Way to Quit Your Job.)   Rule #6: Present your strengths. If there comes a point when you feel like you want to return to the company—but at a higher position—you have to show them what you can bring to the table. Go in with a plan, says Williams. Show ‘em what you’ve learned since you’ve been gone, and how the experience you’ve gained at your current gig can benefit your former—and hopefully future—company. More from Prevention: How To Tell If It’s Time For A Career Change  

How To Not Burn Your Bridges   Prevention - 13