Master Recipe WORK TIME: 20 Minutes / TOTAL TIME: 20 Minutes + Steeping Time / YIELD: 1 C and dry thoroughly 1½ c packed, lightly crushed basil, mint, tarragon, dill, or cilantro. Put the herbs in a wide-mouthed glass jar. 

  1. WASH in 1 c canola oil or apple-cider or wine vinegar. Close jar. Put in cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Swirl every day to keep leaves moistened. 
  2. POUR the oil or vinegar into a sealable bottle through a funnel lined with several layers of cheesecloth or a coffee filter to catch the leaves. 
  3. DECANT leaves gently to get all the liquid. Cap the bottle, and store oil in the refrigerator up to a month or vinegar in a dark cupboard indefinitely.
  4. PRESS   Time Savers Don’t have the 2 weeks called for in the master recipe? Take these shortcuts:Oil  Puree the fresh ingredients with the oil in a food processor until finely minced. Let sit 30 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth or a coffee filter and use immediately or refrigerate.  Vinegar Warm (but don’t boil) the vinegar before pouring it over the fresh ingredients. Cover and steep away from light for 3 days. Strain through cheesecloth or a coffee filter and store in a dark cupboard.    Flavor Changers Substitute any of the following for the fresh herbs in the master recipe:Rosemary-orange (oil or vinegar): ¼ c fresh rosemary and the zest from 4 oranges, cut in stripsJalapeno (oil or vinegar): 5 whole peppers, stems removedPineapplemint (vinegar): 1½ c peeled, cut-up pineapple and ½ c packed, lightly crushed mintPeppered strawberry (vinegar): 2 tsp whole black peppercorns and 1 c sliced strawberriesGinger-apple (vinegar): 3 slices fresh ginger and 1 c chopped apple MORE: The Best Oil To Use For Every Cooking Method