Pump Up Your Willpower Researchers from the universities of Iowa and Minnesota used functional magnetic resonance imaging to monitor the brains of 17 people as they completed a number of tasks, some of which required self-control. What did the study team observe? A section of the brain called the right middle frontal gyrus (rMFG) fires up whenever self-control is needed. As the experiment progressed—and the participants were forced to make more and more decisions based on willpower—the rMFG area of the brain was less active and the people were more likely to succumb to temptation. Basically, you can deplete your supply of willpower, explains study author William Hedgcock, PhD, an assistant professor of marketing at Iowa. That makes sense: Past research has shown your healthy eating habits tend to break down as the day wears on. So what can you do to keep your reserves of willpower at maximum, cookie-resisting levels? How to Snack Less Pick your battles. “Different types of tasks seem to draw on the same reserves of self-control,” Hedgcock explains. That means if you spend your car ride home resisting the urge to honk and scream at slow-driving commuters, you’ll have less willpower when it comes to resisting desserts or that second glass of wine. Choose your battles, Hedgcock suggests. If you’re on a diet, tonight may be just the night to engage in a little cathartic honking Practice makes perfect. In a study published in the Journal of Economic Psychology, people who completed a 4-month financial responsibility program quadrupled their savings rate and significantly decreased their use of alcohol, ate healthier, and worked harder. The study team hypothesized that focusing on self-control may help improve your restraint in all areas that draw on willpower. Sleep and take breaks. Apart from a good night’s sleep, Hedgcock says one of the only sure ways to avoid self-control breakdowns is to avoid using up your willpower in the first place. Plan ahead when you know you’re headed for situations that require self-control, Hedgcock adds. Have to attend an evening party where you know there’ll be junky snacks and alcohol? Pack a light lunch and eat at your desk so you can avoid unhealthy midday temptations.