So you go for the carrot sticks, the celery, the low-fat dressing. You skip the butter on your bread. And then you go home and eat two gallons of ice cream. Sometimes food cravings occur in a woman when your body lacks nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, during pregnancy, says Helene Leonetti, MD, an obstetrician/gynecologist in private practice in the suburbs of Philadelphia. But the funny thing is, we rarely crave a nice big bowl of steaming butternut squash. And that’s where we can get into trouble. “Food cravings are the body’s natural cravings gone awry,” says Dori Winchell, PhD, a psychologist in private practice in Encinitas, CA. “It happens because women often won’t allow themselves the food they need. Instead, they skip breakfast, eat a tiny salad for lunch, and then go home and head for the chips and chocolate bars,” says Jan McBarron, MD, a weight-control specialist and director of Georgia Bariatrics in Columbus, GA. Here’s what you can do:  Take your minerals. Food cravings are often generated by a lack of the mineral chromium, complicated by bad eating habits; namely, starving yourself during the day and overeating at night. One way to quickly get your nutrient intake back in balance and send cravings packing, says Dr. McBarron, is to go to a health food store and ask for a complete multivitamin/mineral supplement that includes chromium. Then take one a day. Give in—occasionally. If you must have potato chips or some other food that you feel guilty about eating, build it into your diet deliberately to decrease the anxiety. If you must have ice cream, for example, plan ahead. Decide just how much and how often you will eat it. Then, when you’re ready to fulfill your longing, go out and buy just what you want. Don’t set yourself up for food cravings by keeping a half-gallon on hand in your freezer.[pagebreak] If you’re in perfect health and satisfied with your weight, food cravings may be harmless. But if you suspect that giving in to cravings for food high in fat, sugar, or excess calories may be to blame for a recent weight gain or a jump in your cholesterol levels, or that food cravings are jeopardizing other aspects of your health, here’s what doctors suggest. Suck a sour pickle. “If you are about to pig out, suck a sour pickle to eliminate the craving for sweets,” says Maria Simonson, ScD, PhD, director of the Health, Weight, and Stress Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in Baltimore. Juice it. A really strong craving for sweets can often be stifled by eating a peppermint washed down by a few ounces of fruit juice or a few nibbles of fruit, such as an apple or pear, says Dr. Simonson. Fool your sweet tooth with spice. “Cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg can satisfy a sweet tooth, since these spices add a sweet flavor without the calories,” says Elizabeth Somer, RD, author of Food and Mood and Nutrition for Women. Add cinnamon, vanilla, or nutmeg to yogurt or steamed milk, she says. Grab something absorbing. Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, reach for the newspaper, or whatever else you might find engaging.

When to See a Doctor

If you find yourself bingeing and purging, or not eating regularly, see your doctor or a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. More from Prevention: Simple Ways To Prevent Sugar Cravings