But imagine what would happen if the opposite were true: If restaurants gave you the opportunity to buy less of an unhealthy food, instead of more? That was the subject of a recent Tulane University study, and the findings are fascinating: In a series of three experiments at a real fast-food restaurant on the Duke University campus, diners were asked if they wanted to “save 200 calories,” for instance, by ordering a half portion of a starchy dish. The result? Thirty-three percent said yes, according to the study, which is detailed in the journal Health Affairs.  Letting Go Of Perfectionism So is encouraging healthy habits as simple as, well, suggesting them? Maybe. Experts tell you that one of the best ways to engage your self control is to remove temptations from your path in the first place. That means steering clear of the all-you-can-eat ice cream bar or making sure your pantry isn’t stocked with potato chips—especially if you’re prone to getting the late-night munchies. But we also know that moderation is the key to any successful diet. Deprive yourself of all your favorite foods and you put yourself at risk of going overboard when you do indulge. Indulge too often, and you could make yourself sick. But what does “moderation” even mean? For gourmands, a cheeseburger a week might seem reasonable; for health nuts, maybe it’s one every 3 months—minus the cheese and bun. To find out who’s right, we turned to Sarah Krieger, RD, and Joan Salge Blake, RD, spokespeople for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  To learn how much bacon you can really get away with eating—not to mention how many cheeseburgers, cookies, or doughnuts are a safe diet splurge—click through for our experts’ takes on 10 Guilty Food Pleasures.