[sidebar] 1. EdamameThese easy-to-pop soybeans are loaded with more than 100% of your RDA of folate, which is essential for making red blood cells and may prevent DNA damage that could lead to cancer. Toss cooked, shelled edamame into your next salad. 2. Bok ChoyCooked bok choy contains 13% of your RDA of calcium and has a light, sweet flavor. Finely chop the leaves and saute with onions, garlic, and ginger in a little oil. Toss with cooked rice noodles for a healthy Asian-style entree. 3. Brussels SproutsWhile low in calories, sprouts are also a good source of fiber, which helps maintain satiety. They’re also part of the cruciferous vegetable family, known for its cancer-preventing properties. Trim the ends, quarter, and sauté in oil with onions and garlic. 4. ParsleyWhile often used as a garnish, fresh parsley can supply you with a good dose of plant iron when eaten in larger quantities—1 cup contains around 20% of your RDA. Add parsley to a green smoothie or enjoy it in a classic tabbouleh salad. (Parsley’s great for a diet detox, too. Check out eight other detox essentials.) More from Prevention: A Skinnier Shamrock Shake