Cholesterol itself isn’t harmful. In fact, the body produces this waxy substance daily to manufacture cell membranes, bile acids, vitamin D, and a variety of sex hormones. Serious problems can occur when cholesterol levels in the blood rise to unhealthy levels. We often talk about cholesterol as though it’s a single substance, but there are two main types: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is the most harmful form. High levels of LDL promote the development of a dense, fatty layer called plaque on artery walls. As the plaque layer gets thicker over the years, it’s harder for blood to squeeze through. Plaque also promotes the development of blood clots that can impede or stop the flow of blood. It’s best to keep your LDL cholesterol level under 130. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is beneficial. Its job is to remove excess LDL from the blood and carry it to the liver for disposal. Strive to keep this level above 60. In general, aim to keep your total cholesterol level, which is the sum of HDL, LDL, and other blood fats, below 200. Medications are often required to bring cholesterol into a healthful range, but many people with borderline numbers can control it by making simple long-term changes in their diets and lifestyles. If you’re looking for ways to take control, find out how to lower your cholesterol with these 31 strategies from experts.

Cut Back On Saturated Fat

Found in meats, butter, and a variety of packaged foods, saturated fat is converted by the liver into cholesterol. If your cholesterol is already hitting the danger zone, limit saturated fat to less than 7% of total calories, says Marisa Moore, RD. That equals about 15 to 20 grams of saturated fat per day for most people. “Choose lean meat and poultry without the skin, and limit servings to about the size of a deck of cards,” she says. Even if you make few other changes in your diet, cutting back on saturated fat could lower your total cholesterol as much as 20 points in 6 to 8 weeks, she says. (Try these 12 foods that lower cholesterol—naturally!)

Eat More Fiber

Found in plant foods, dietary fiber—especially the soluble fiber in oats, beans, barley, and asparagus—is essential to lowering your cholesterol. But, most Americans get only 12 to 14 grams of dietary fiber daily, not the recommended 25 to 35 grams. Fiber lowers cholesterol in several ways, Moore says. It absorbs water and swells in the stomach, increasing your feeling of fullness. In addition, soluble fiber dissolves and forms a gel in the intestine. The gel traps cholesterol molecules before they get into the blood. “Everyone should have at least one source of soluble fiber daily,” Moore says. More is better: Researchers have found that people who get 7 grams of soluble fiber daily have lower blood cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. (Try these 6 tasty ways to get more fiber.)

Cook With Olive Oil

It’s the oil of choice in the Mediterranean, and the payoff is clear. People in Greece, Spain, and other Mediterranean countries are about half as likely as Americans to die of heart disease, even when their cholesterol levels are fairly high. Olive oil—along with canola, sunflower, and other oils high in monounsaturated fats—lowers levels of harmful LDL without lowering HDL at the same time. “Olive oil, especially extra-virgin, is also rich in phytochemicals, which help prevent cholesterol from sticking to artery walls,” Moore says. Olive oil isn’t medicine, of course. It’s still 100% fat, which means it can add a lot of excess calories to your diet. The idea is to use it in place of butter or other fats in the diet, not in addition to them. MORE: 11 More Surprising Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol

Try A New Margarine

Traditional margarine is made with hydrogenated fats, which can raise cholesterol as much as saturated fat does. “Margarine can be as unhealthy as butter,” says David Capuzzi, MD, PhD. But there is a healthful alternative. Some margarines, such as Benecol, contain plant sterols, compounds that help prevent cholesterol from getting into the blood. Something as simple as replacing your margarine with one that contains plant sterols can result in up to a 15% reduction in LDL.

Make Over Your Protein

Most of the saturated fat in the American diet comes from meat, which is why anyone with high cholesterol should reassess how large a role meat plays in their meals. “Try to limit your intake of animal protein to 5 to 7 ounces a day,” suggests Capuzzi. In general, eat organ meats only on special occasions, he says. (Here’s 6 things that happen when you stop eating meat.)

Put Fish On The Menu

Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, healthful fats that lower LDL and triglycerides—harmful blood fats that have been linked to heart disease—while raising HDL at the same time. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna contain the most omega-3s, Moore says. (Get started with these 5 easy, one-pot recipes for fish.)

Don’t Shy Away From Eggs

Once upon a time, eggs were portrayed as vessel-clogging culprits and banned from many heart-healthy diets. Research has restored the good name of eggs. In a study by Capuzzi, two groups followed a low-calorie, low-fat diet. One group ate two eggs daily, while the other group ate none. After 12 weeks, both groups had similar LDL and HDL profiles. “The eggs didn’t adversely affect lipid levels,” says Capuzzi. “People shouldn’t be afraid of eggs. They are a good source of protein when eaten in moderation.”

Eat Flaxseed

A nutty-tasting seed, flaxseed is loaded with cholesterol-lowering omega-3s. It’s also rich in soluble fiber and phytoestrogens, which help with cholesterol control, Moore says. “Don’t use flax oil,” she adds. “You’ll be missing out on the fiber as well as some of the phytoestrogens.” Also, the oil contains many more calories than the seeds, so using too much can lead to weight gain, and weight gain can raise your cholesterol levels. Health food stores and most supermarkets sell whole or ground flaxseed. If you buy the whole form, grind it at home; the whole seeds aren’t broken down during digestion, Moore says.

Follow The “Rule Of Five”

Some breakfast cereals, especially the supersugary kind, are fiber lightweights, but others provide a real fiber kick. Check the labels. Buy only cereals that provide at least 5 grams of fiber per serving, Moore says.

Enjoy Whole Grains

Limit refined grains in your diet. Most of the fiber in these products has been stripped away during processing. Whole grains, on the other hand, are loaded with it. A slice of whole wheat bread, for example, has 2 to 3 grams of fiber, three times more than a slice of white bread.

Switch To Brown Rice

It takes longer to cook than the white varieties, but it’s higher in fiber and contains more rice oil, which is thought to have cholesterol-lowering effects, Moore says. You can also buy instant brown rice, which cooks faster.

Snack On Nuts

Even though nuts almost drip with fat, they are a healthful snack high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Replacing saturated fat in the diet with these “good” fats can cause a significant drop in LDL, says Capuzzi. In fact, studies find that people who eat nuts are less likely to develop heart disease. (Here’s 6 more reasons to grab a handful of nuts, ASAP.)

Add Milk To Your Diet

While full-fat milk, cheese, and other dairy foods are high in saturated fat, fat-free and low-fat dairy are not. Plus, studies suggest that the calcium in low-fat dairy foods can help high blood pressure, Moore says.

Add Mushrooms To Recipes

Studies show that shiitake mushrooms may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Health food stores and many grocery stores carry both dried and fresh shiitake mushrooms. Try sautéing them for tasty and healthful additions to soups, stews, sauces, omelets, and stir-fried meals. (Here’s 5 fast mushroom recipes to try.)

Crunch Into An Apple

Apples are rich in the soluble fiber pectin. Experts have found that pectin mops up excess cholesterol in your intestine, like a sponge soaks up spills, before it can enter your blood and gunk up your arteries. Then the pectin is excreted, taking fat and cholesterol along with it.

Drink Green Tea

It’s rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that may prevent hardening of the arteries, says Moore. Black tea contains some of the protective compounds, but green tea, which undergoes less processing, is a better source.

Add Soy To Your Diet

It’s a staple in Asian cuisine, which may be one reason heart disease is much less common in Asian countries than in the United States. Soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, and soymilk contain chemical compounds called isoflavones, which appear to reduce the amount of cholesterol that the liver produces. People who eat about an ounce of soy protein daily can have drops in total cholesterol of about 10 percent. “Soy is a good alternative to animal protein,” says Capuzzi. To incorporate more soy in your diet:

Eat whole soybeans. They contain more of the beneficial compounds than processed soy foods. Soak the dried beans overnight, drain the water, and then cook them in a covered container for 2 to 3 hours. If this sounds like too much work, eat edamame (green soybeans), a favorite snack in Japan that is now available in specialty grocery stores in the United States.Add tofu to recipes. It has little flavor of its own, but it absorbs the flavors of other ingredients. Tofu is commonly added to stews, casseroles, and stir-fries in place of cheese or meat.Try tempeh. Along with miso, it’s a fermented soybean product with a slightly smoky taste—and it’s exceptionally high in isoflavones.Make a soy smoothie. A delicious way to get more soy in your diet is to blend 1 to 3 ounces of tofu, a variety of fresh fruits, and 1 cup of soymilk.

MORE: 5 Confusing Soy Questions—Answered

Toast Your Health With Wine

Dozens of studies suggest that drinking moderate amounts of red wine can reduce the risk of heart attack—by up to 68%, in some cases. Wine raises levels of HDL and helps prevent blood clots from forming in the arteries. It also contains antioxidant compounds that reduce cholesterol buildup in the arteries. More isn’t better, however. The risks of consuming too much alcohol vastly outweigh the cholesterol-controlling benefits. Men are advised to have no more than 2 drinks daily; for women, 1 drink is the upper limit. And if you don’t drink, the AHA recommends not starting.

Cook With Garlic

It’s loaded with sulfur compounds that may lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce the tendency of platelets—cell-like structures in blood—to form clots. There’s even some evidence that garlic may reverse existing cholesterol buildup. “Garlic will not have a dramatic impact on cholesterol buildup in the arteries, but it has some potential health benefits,” says Capuzzi. Opt for fresh garlic instead of garlic tablets. The more garlic is tampered with, the more natural compounds you lose, all of which may play a role in protecting the heart, says Capuzzi.

Add More Onions

They contain a powerful antioxidant called quercetin, which helps prevent LDL from accumulating in the arteries. In addition, the sulfur compounds in onions raise levels of beneficial HDL. Eating half of a raw onion a day may raise HDL as much as 30%. All onions are helpful, but red and yellow onions contain the highest levels of other antioxidants called flavonoids.

Shop By Color

The next time you’re in the produce section at the supermarket, make colorful choices: Fruits and vegetables with red, orange, and yellow hues are all rich in carotenoids, plant pigments that make cholesterol less likely to stick to artery walls, Moore says. Carotenoid-rich foods include tomatoes, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and watermelon, among others. Studies find those who get at least 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day—and get the most carotenoids—are less likely to develop heart disease than those who get smaller amounts.

Be Mindful Of Grapefruit

Incorporating fruit into your diet does a heart good. Some fruits, however, can interfere with the metabolism of certain medications. If you’re on a calcium channel blocker or cholesterol-lowering medication, talk to your doctor before eating grapefruit, pomelos, Seville oranges, and any products made from these fruits, such as juice, marmalades, and compotes. If medication prevents you from enjoying these fruits, try others that are high in vitamin C, such as oranges and strawberries, says Capuzzi.

Can The Cans And Jars

Choose fresh foods over canned or jarred. Preservatives used to maintain “freshness” compromise nutritional value. “Preservatives turn liquid fat into solid, and that’s where trans fats come in,” says Capuzzi. Preservatives also increase the carbohydrate content of food, and destroy B vitamins and ascorbic acids, which are important for cardiovascular health, he says.

Ask Your Doctor About Niacin

Also known as vitamin B3, niacin can raise levels of beneficial HDL by as much as 25%, while lowering LDL about 10%, says Capuzzi. A compound of niacin called nicotinic acid appears to lower triglycerides, reduce LDL cholesterol, and increase HDL cholesterol. Unfortunately, food and standard supplements don’t contain the amount of nicotinic acid needed to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. “The dose you would need would qualify as a drug, not a vitamin,” says Capuzzi. “It should be taken under the supervision of a physician.” If dietary and lifestyle changes aren’t improving your cholesterol profile, than talk to your doctor about prescription nicotinic acid.

Add A Dash Of Turmeric

Animal studies have shown that the Asian spice turmeric appears to lower cholesterol. Now studies are suggesting that turmeric has the same effect on humans. Scientists believe that curcumin, a powerful antioxidant component found in turmeric, prevents platelets from clumping together. More research needs to be done before doctors will prescribe turmeric to patients with high cholesterol. In the meantime, use this spice in the traditional way: Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to rice, couscous, and bean dishes. MORE: 21 Healing Herbs And Supplements That Doctors Prescribe

Inquire About Chinese Red Yeast Rice

If you have coronary heart disease, then a purified form of a Chinese staple called Chinese red yeast rice may reduce your cardiovascular risks. Researchers studied Chinese patients who had had heart attacks. Some patients received the red yeast rice extract and some received a placebo. Over the next 5 years, the group taking the extract had a nearly 50% drop in heart attacks. “The findings are very exciting because this is a natural product and there seems to be no side effects,” says Capuzzi. Although the news is encouraging, this doesn’t mean you should treat yourself with over-the-counter Chinese red yeast rice supplements. The extract used in the study was made in the lab under controlled conditions, unlike the supplements in stores, says Capuzzi. Also, one of the compounds in red yeast rice is lovastatin, the same statin found in prescription medications, so the supplements work like, and should be considered, a drug. Talk to your doctor to see if the Chinese red yeast rice supplements available in stores are right for you.

Dig Some Dandelion

The liver, which is home to cholesterol, secretes bile into the gallbladder and the small intestine. Bile emulsifies fats so they can be completely broken down by other enzymes in the small intestine. Dandelion helps facilitate this process by increasing bile flow and helping the body metabolize fat, including cholesterol. You can try a cup or two of dandelion root tea before meals advises herbalist Betzy Bancroft, but be sure to check with your doctor first, as the plant can interact with certain medications.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

If you’re overweight, your metabolism undergoes changes that can cause cholesterol levels to rise. If you change the composition of your diet in order to lose weight—by eating less fat and more fiber, for example—LDL will drop even more. (Take this 30-second quiz to find out if your weight is healthy.)

Get Regular Exercise

Walking, swimming, jogging, and even lifting weights can raise beneficial HDL as much as 10 to 15% for most people, says Capuzzi. And because people who exercise also may lose weight, it can cause a corresponding drop in LDL. Any exercise is beneficial, but you’ll get the most benefit if you do it regularly—say, for 20 to 30 minutes each day, 5 to 7 days a week. (Here’s 4 ways to start exercising when you’re carrying extra weight.)

Quit Smoking

Smoking lowers levels of HDL and increases LDL. It also damages LDL molecules in the blood, making them more likely to stick to artery walls. “There are 3,000 toxins in cigarettes,” says Capuzzi. “Stay away from them at all costs.” MORE: 7 Weird Ways You’re Increasing Your Risk Of Heart Disease

Best Foods For Your Cholesterol

When you’re trying to lower cholesterol, beans are among the best foods you can eat. They’re very high in soluble fiber, which “traps” cholesterol in the intestine and helps keep it out of the bloodstream. All beans are high in fiber, but some varieties really stand out. Black beans, for example, have 7 1/2 grams of fiber in a 1/2-cup serving. Lima and kidney beans have about 6 1/2 grams, and black-eyed peas contain about 5 1/2 grams. The drawback to beans, of course, is that they take forever to cook. Make life easy and use canned beans. They’re just as good at lowering cholesterol as the dried kind. MORE: 8 Tasty Ideas For Protein-Packed Beans

How Doctors Help With Cholesterol Treatment

Ideally, your levels of HDL “good” cholesterol should be above 40 (and better, above 60), and your levels of LDL “bad” cholesterol below 100. The natural LDL levels of primates is 70, says Capuzzi, so human levels should naturally be about the same. Your total cholesterol, which is the sum of HDL, LDL, and other blood fats, should be below 200. If your numbers aren’t as good as possible, your doctor may advise you to take cholesterol-lowering drugs. They are very effective but are usually recommended only when lifestyle changes aren’t effective. Your doctor will look at more than just cholesterol numbers when considering drugs. Other risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking or a family history of heart problems, will also determine whether or not you need medication.

Panel Of Advisors

Betzy Bancroft is a professional memeber of the American Herbalists Guild and codirector and faculty member of the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism in Montpellier. David M. Capuzzi, MD, PhD, is a professor of medicine and biochemistry at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and director of the cardiovascular disease prevention program at the Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Marisa Moore, RD, is a registered and licensed dietitian in Atlanta, Georgia, and a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.