“By now we know that a medical intervention isn’t everything. People can get well entirely on their own,” says lead study author Pete Trimmer, PhD, a theoretical biologist at the University of Bristol. “If they can do that, then we wanted to know why that external cue, the placebo, was even necessary.” To figure it out, the scientists created mathematical models based on how the human immune system has evolved. At the root of the models? The idea that the immune system is designed to slow down and conserve energy, especially when the body is under tons of stress, such as during an illness.   In other words, it makes sense that some external cue—like a trip to the doctor or a bottle of pills, whether real or sham—is necessary to rev up the immune system.  More from Prevention: 10 Best Healing Herbs   “From an evolutionary perspective, we showed that there’s a good reason to have the placebo effect,” says Trimmer. “The placebo tells your body that you’re in a safe environment, and cues it up for recovery.” But don’t swap your prescriptions for pseudo-pills just yet: Placebos are far from a cure-all, even if they do give your immune system an important boost, says Trimmer. Putting too much belief in a cure—real or not—might actually slow or prevent recovery. “If someone has complete and utter faith in a treatment working, then how much effort will their body put into getting better?” says Trimmer.  Your best bet? Adding some of the placebo mindset to your current wellness strategies. “After a patient receives care, they should focus on this time as an opportunity to get well,” says Trimmer. “Just having that mindset should assist the body in recovery.” Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: Katie.Drummond@rodale.com