A recent study from the University of Maryland showed that lung cancer patients who were married had significantly better survival rates than their single counterparts. In fact, the researchers found that three years after treatment, 33% of married patients were alive and well while only a tenth of unwed patients were still going strong. Lead researcher, Elizabeth Nichols, MD, believes that a spouse plays a big part in post-cancer treatment for a few reasons. “We think the positive impact of marriage is likely due to the fact that these patients have the same person providing support on a day-in and day-out basis, which is quite different than having someone come to check-in on someone on a weekly basis while undergoing treatment and shortly thereafter,” she says. Plus when you have a loved one to lean on, you are more apt to comply to get to the doctor quicker when something goes wrong, according to a recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. And once you do, it’s easier to follow doctor’s orders and track symptoms if you’re partnered, according to Dr. Nichols. More from Prevention: How Marriage Helps Your Heart This latest finding adds to a growing body of research showing that walking down the aisle may have some unexpected boosts. Researchers at Emory and Rutgers Universities found that married people who underwent heart surgery were three time more likely to survive the next three months, compared to single patients. And a study from Birmingham University in Great Britain even showed that married couples were much less susceptible to catching the flu. But to reap the medical benefits of married life, you’ve got to start with a healthy marriage. Is yours due for a check-up? Here are three ways to help you rediscover marital bliss: Toss out the “honey-do” list: One of couple’s most common pitfalls is that they only discuss the practical needs of their family and forego conversations that help build a stronger bond, says marriage counselor, Jeff Palitz MFT, of Chula Vista, California. One great topic to explore? Childhood memories, says Palitz. “So many couples are surprised about what the little things they never knew about each other,” he says. Power down your devices: Sitting side-by-side on the couch while he’s watching football and you’re checking Facebook shouldn’t be your version of quality time. “Try limiting your screen time and use that to have meaningful conversations with your spouse instead,” says Palitz. And be sure to check out our list of 7 Mistakes Even Happy Couples Make for other things not to do. Plan a one-night getaway: Nothing rejuvenates a marriage quite like a mini-vacation, says Palitz. Even just 24 hours away from the stress of the home can help you reconnect and really focus on each other, he says. For more ideas on how to reconnect with your honey, check out 10 Little Things Connected Couples Do for inspiration. More from Prevention: 6 Ways to Increase Your Sex Drive