Q: What’s your favorite way to refresh, revive, or reinvent? “A great hot yoga class always refreshes me. I love the way I feel after—the deep breathing is calming, the sweat is cleansing, the relaxation period at the end is rejuvenating and relaxing all at the same time."-Chris Freytag, contributing fitness editor, Prevention “My favorite way to refresh is through yoga, a shower, and a cup of tea. My favorite way to revive is to be in nature, to breathe, not talk, and meditate. My favorite way to reinvent? I feel every that day of my life I am working to better myself—physically through kickboxing and yoga, mentally through my exhilarating work, and spiritually by prayer, meditation, and service to others and the earth."-Kate Folb, director of Hollywood Health & Society “I enjoy sitting on a beach or painting to refresh; visiting farmers’ markets and drinking fresh juices to revive; and participating in challenging cooking situations like pop-up dinners on an island or in a graffiti park to reinvent."-Sonya Cote, owner/executive chef, Eden East “Nothing helps me get back to the basics and feel alive like my weekly trip to the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market in San Francisco. The produce is stunningly beautiful, the air smells of herbs and flowers, and the people are filled with joy and delight. It makes me excited about eating well the rest of the week."-Darya Rose, PhD, blogger, Summer Tomato “I love baths—day or night!"-Ashley Koff, RD “My favorite way to refresh, revive, and reinvent is by taking an hour long walk on the beach at sunrise. The ocean’s negative ions not only boost my energy and mood, but its powerful vastness helps me keep everyday concerns in perspective. It reminds me that I’m a very small part of this incredible universe, and my worries are even smaller. After my walk, I appreciate each moment of the day a little more."-Holly Phillips, MD, CBS’ chief medical correspondent “My favorite way to refresh and revive is to meditate for 10 minutes. Even better, to cuddle with my girls and then meditate together."-Mallika Chopra, founder, Intent.com “A glass of wine with a girlfriend. One glass. One hour. That’s all it takes. I’m a new woman. Or the best parts of the old woman I was an hour ago."-Darlene Hunt, creator, The Big C “Starting the day right is my first commitment to myself by doing 15-20 min of yoga and 20 minutes of meditation before I leave the house. I also schedule free days where I do not allow myself to do anything work-related. Another important way to revive and reinvent myself is travel. A friend once told me a change in latitude can cause a change in attitude; seeing new places pulls me out of my routines and challenges me to see the world though new eyes."-Gary Kaplan, DO, founder and medical director, The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine “One way I refresh is by mixing up my fitness routine by when and where I workout. I don’t believe that a 60 minute sweat session at the studio is the end-all. In fact, I think that many days it’s more healthy to forego the longer workout and instead work out in short bursts throughout the day. This approach refreshes the mind, the body, and combats the dangers of sitting including chronic lowback pain-Sadie Lincoln, founder and owner, barre3 , weakened immune system, and weight gain.”  Join the conversation! Tell us how you refresh, revive, and reinvent using the hashtag #R3Summit.