Researchers analyzed the pregnancy rates of more than 500 couples trying to get pregnant. Each prospective parent gave a blood sample at the beginning of the study, which researchers used to measure the levels of total and free cholesterol, the unbound cholesterol that’s in the blood stream and is used to build hormones. (Unbound cholesterol is not related to cardiovascular health like LDL and HDL, which mesasure the density of the cholesterol in the blood.) At the end of the 12-month study period, couples where the women had elevated cholesterol were associated with delayed pregnancy, while couples with both partners having high cholesterol took the longest to conceive. Cholesterol isn’t just a marker for cardiovascular health, explains study author Enrique F. Schisterman from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. In fact, it’s the second most common substance in the body and the building block of many cells. “Cholesterol is apparent in everything we do,” he explains. “Hormones necessary for reproduction are built from cholesterol itself, and sperm is built from cholesterol as well, so it’s natural that the link exists,” he explains.  The details behind how cholesterol delays conception isn’t clear yet, and Schisterman hopes to examine the effect lowering cholesterol can have on conception rates, as well as determine optimal levels for conception. But in the meantime, this is proof that pre-conception health is not just limited to women. “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for men and women not only sets you up for a healthier pregnancy and baby, but for your entire life,” says Schisterman. “We’ve identified a novel risk factor that hasn’t been talked about before.” More from Prevention: 9 Effective Treatments For ED