Try fat-free or 1 percent milk.Buy only reduced-fat or fat-free cheese.Eat fruits and vegetables without butter or sauce.Serve brown rice, beans, and whole grains.Choose lean cuts of meat, fish, and skinless turkey and chicken.Buy low- or reduced-sodium or no-salt–added versions of foods whenever possible.

Revamp recipes with these substitutions.

Use two egg whites for each whole egg, or use cholesterol-free egg substitutes (1⁄4 cup equals 1 egg).Use olive oil instead of butter.Use light mayonnaise instead of the full-fat version.Use fat-free yogurt or sour cream instead of the regular version.Use reduced-fat cheese instead of regular varieties.Use 1 percent or fat-free milk instead of whole.Use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat rather than canned or processed types.

Rethink preparation and serving habits.

Make meat loaf and meatballs with lean ground turkey.Make tacos with skinless chicken breast.Cool soups and gravies and skim off the fat before reheating.Top a baked potato with salsa instead of butter.Make spicy baked fish seasoned with green pepper, onion, garlic, oregano, lemon, or cilantro.Bake, broil, or grill foods instead of frying.Eat fruit instead of pie or cake for dessert.

Excerpt from WomenHeart ALL HEART Family Cookbook reprinted with permission by Rodale, Inc. Copyright 2008 by The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease. Buy the book now.