According to a new study published in the Social Psychology Quarterly, dispositional optimism—the idea that good things are yet to come—is a better trait to rely on than, say, self-esteem. Why? Because self-esteem fluctuates, says lead study author Matthew A. Andersson, a doctoral candidate in the department of sociology at the University of Iowa. And it can lessen when we’re overcome with a sense of rejection or unacceptance, he says. In other words, it can tank when you need it most.  More from Prevention: How to Get Over Rejection  To come to this conclusion, Andersson surveyed more than 500 adults about their health and any personal crises they may have dealt with during the past year. Being optimistic was shown to help people cope and maintain good health far more than having good self-esteem. Sure, optimism can also lessen, says Andersson, but it’s not as volatile in the face of relationship setbacks.  Struggling to see the glass as half full? See Go Ahead…Smile! for tips on how pessimists can be more like Pollyanna, and follow these other solutions for getting over your ex: Have a girl’s night. A recent animal study from Ohio State University found that mice that underwent surgery experienced less pain when recovering in a cage with other mice, as opposed to recovering alone. So pair up with people who make you feel good and remind you of what you love about your life. (Worried the usual margaritas will wreck your diet? See how to have a night out you won’t regret.)  Get off his Facebook. People who use Facebook to check up on an ex are more likely to impede their own emotional growth and prolong the post-break up healing process, finds recent research in the journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. If you can’t resist the urge to cyber-spy on him, unfriending might be your best bet.  Do some soul searching. “Having an inner dialogue with yourself can help you identify the root of your anger or pain,” says Margaret Paul, PhD, author of Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By You? It’s only when you’ve identified those issues that you can truly move on, she says.  Say “om.” According to a University of Wisconsin study, mindfulness meditation eases anxiety by 44% and reduces symptoms of depression by 34%. If you’re new to meditation, start by walking mindfully for 10 minutes, says the study’s lead author Richard Davidson, PhD. Pick a quiet place to slowly walk back and forth, like your living room, and look straight ahead, focusing on one simple aspect of walking. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring it back, says Davidson. Ramp up your workout. When going through a break-up, people tend to not want to work out—and that’s probably one of the worst things you can do, says Stacy Berman, the owner of Stacy’s Boot Camp and founder of The Body Mind project. Since physical activity releases feel-good endorphins, Berman suggests a high-intensity routine. Check out these quick interval workouts to get your heart rate up—and keep it there.  More from Prevention: 20 Ways To Get More Pleasure In Your Life

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