50 Bloggers Making A Difference In Fitness, Health, And Happiness Why the difference? While national obesity rates depend on many factors, they probably have a lot to do with lifestyle and culture, including what people eat and how they eat it. The good news is that everyone can borrow healthy eating habits from countries around the world—and leave some less-wholesome practices on foreign soil. Keep in mind that these habits come from traditional diets found in these countries—with globalization, some foods and eating habits have migrated around the world (for better or for worse). For example, les steaks hachés sounds like a typical French food, but it’s actually the meaty part of Le Big Mac (and hardly part of traditional cuisine).

  1. Japan

Set the stage: It’s all in the presentation. We all know about the health benefits of seafood (omega-3s!) and veggies. One unexpected habit to steal from Japanese eating culture is the emphasis placed on food’s appearance. Small portions and colorful, seasonal vegetables make for a visually appealing—and healthy—plate. The small portions may help to keep calories in check, while bright veggies provide a range of healthy vitamins and minerals.Skip: Fish high in heavy metals. Mercury, an element that can cause nervous system damage, is particularly prevalent in predatory species like tuna, king mackerel, and swordfish. Avoid sushi such as maguro (tuna) and nama-saba (mackerel) and go for safer options like sake (salmon), ebi (shrimp), and ika (squid) instead.

The Ultimate Guide To Biking And Cycling 2. China

Pick up sticks: Chowing down with chopsticks can help slow eating speed, which may ultimately decrease the amount of food eaten. Research has shown slower eating may lead to reduced caloric intake, and one Japanese study found that the odds for being obese and having cardiovascular disease were higher among people who ate faster.Skip: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) (though maybe not for everyone). Monosodium glutamate has been linked with a number of negative health effects, including headaches and numbness, in certain people. Though the research is still somewhat inconclusive, avoid the unpleasant side effects by preparing Chinese food at home or ordering from restaurants that don’t use MSG.

I Got Six-Pack Abs In Weeks. Here’s How I Feel One Year Later. 3. France

Please your palate: One study found that while the French associate food with pleasure (as opposed to health), the country has lower rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease than the US. Ironically, Americans are more concerned with the health aspects of food and get less pleasure out of it. So rather than eating a large portion of a “healthy” dessert like frozen yogurt, try a small portion of a treat you love (a rich, dark chocolate truffle fits the bill) and savor the sensory experience.Skip: The daily pastry. A chocolate croissant, like many buttery breakfast pastries, is loaded with simple carbohydrates, sugar, and fat (not a great start to the day). Stick with more nutritious options like oatmeal or yogurt for everyday, and save the pastry for an occasional treat.

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