Today is World Diabetes Day. The illness strikes people around the globe, but it’s prevalence in the US is growing at super-scary rates: An estimated 8% of American adults now have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. The National Institutes of Health recommends that everyone over the age of 45 gets tested for diabetes, but you can assess your risk now (and really, what better day to do it than on World Diabetes Day?) with our simple quiz that can help determine your vulnerability.  Introducing: Ikea’s Drool-Worthy Online Catalogue [Fast Company] Everything you love about Ikea, minus the meatballs. The home décor mega-store is launching a new, interactive online catalogue—just in time for the holiday season—that includes virtual room redesigns, video tips, and social media integration. (Love that throw pillow? Put it on Facebook to drop  some hints about your gift wish list.) But online shop-a-holics beware: This catalogue is a serious threat to your credit card. (To make the most of your space, redecorate with our 10 easy tips to feng shui your abode.)  Six Tasty, Energy-Boosting Snacks [Self] If your snacking go-to tends to be of the “bar” variety (granola, protein, etc.) you’re probably jonesing to mix up your midday nosh options. Check out these six creative ideas, all designed to tempt your tastebuds and keep your metabolism humming all afternoon long. Tropical Cheesy Avocado? Consider us intrigued. (For more smart snacking suggestions, peruse our list of high-protein grab-and-go bites.)  High-Powered Ladies, Listen Up [The Grindstone] More women than ever are outranking men at work, filling powerful gigs as executives and CEOs. And that’s the awesome news. But the less awesome news is that they might be paying a steeper price where health is concerned. New data collected by Canada’s Macleans Magazine reveals that female executives experience more stress than their male peers (largely because of additional at-home responsibilities) and are less likely to see a doctor. We love you, female power players, but remember that you can’t rule the world if you’re always getting sick—stay on top of your health with 14 Health Mistakes Even Smart Women Make. Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: