For anyone who’s ever battled with their partner to do the laundry/the dishes/the vacuuming/or really anything to help out around the house, this study will be about as believable as Bigfoot theories. New research by the Norwegian government finds that the divorce rate is about 50% higher among couples that evenly split housework compared to couples where the woman does most of it. Why? The researchers say that chore-sharing tends to take place among professional couples, where divorce rates are high—that their more formal, ‘contractual’-style attitude towards marriage can make for a fraught relationship. We were going to go into more details here, but we’ve had to go and quit our jobs, take over all the housework, and yes, be barefoot in the kitchen to save our marriages. Ahem.   The Only Justification You’ll Even Need For Your Puppy Cam Habit [The Wall Street Journal] Who knew that the mere sight of puppies, kittens, and all things cute could heighten our mental skills? A new study by Japanese researchers now shows that we concentrate better after looking at cute images. Through a series of experiments, researchers were able to demonstrate that viewing cute images makes people behave more deliberately and perform tasks with greater time and care.   The Alternative Technique That Could Heal PTSD [The Huffington Post] Some complementary medicine techniques seem to improve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers, according to a small new study from the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Researchers found that healing touch with guided imagery helped to decrease symptoms of PTSD and depression and increase quality of life for returning active-duty soldiers. For more on cutting-edge alternative techniques, see our Integrative Medicine Awards.  Breast Cancer Up 90% Since 1971 [Press Association] Breast cancer rates have increased by 90% in the last four decades in England, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics. In 1971, there were 66 cases for every 100,000 women in England, but by 2010, the rate had soared to 126 per 100,000. The good news? The number of women dying from the disease has steadily declined since screening was introduced in 1987. Join Prevention in the fight for early detection with our Mammograms: #WhoNeedsThem? campaign.  How To Winterize Your Lady Parts [Blisstree] Sure, you know all about the usual winter health concerns (Dry skin! Weight gain! Depression!), but what about your nether regions? Wrapped up in tight, synthetic clothing (we’re looking at you, tights) and subjected to unhealthy foods, your vagina and vulva kind of hate the most wonderful time of the year. Don’t worry, though: These smart tips can help you ward off winter yeast infections and other uncomfortable situations.