If you’re short on willpower—and let’s be real, who isn’t from time to time?—a new study finds that you can give your self-control a boost simply by gargling sugar water. Researchers had students gargle with lemonade sweetened with sugar or lemonade sweetened with Splenda, and then had them perform two tasks of self-control. The students who gargled with sugar were “significantly faster.” Why? Study authors say that sugar stimulates the simple carbohydrate sensors on the tongue , which in turn stimulate the motivational centers of the brain. But if sugar water gargling isn’t for you, see these six ways to shore up your willpower.  The New Health Reason Not To Make The Bed [ScienceDaily] What do a tight, fitted bed sheet and a blood clot in the wrist have in common? Both are associated with a condition called “sheet fitting palsy,” a condition reported in those who spend long periods of time repeatedly trying to pull a fitted bed sheet over the corner of a mattress. While rare, the condition has also been reported in basketball players and in those who do push-ups as exercise.   Green (Cheap!) Ways To Winterize Your Home [Inhabitant] Worried about staying warm this winter? Check out these tips on how to button up your home for the cold season and cut your energy bills while you’re at it, courtesy of a green energy expert.   How Much Sick Time Do Pregnant Women Take? [The Daily Mail] Three quarters of pregnant women take at least two months sick leave from work, according to a new study from Norway. The biggest reasons include tiredness and sleep problems. Researchers say employers can help reduce this absence through flexible work adjustments. 10 Fat-Fighting Foods For Your Freezer [Everyday Health] When fresh produce is scarce—ah, winter—and you’re short on time, let your freezer be your hero. Here’s what to keep stashed to have healthy eating options at the ready. (Need freezer-friendly meal ideas? Here are 16 of ’em!)