The weird risk of too much coffee This time, caffeine’s off the hook. Turns out consuming three or more daily cups can increase your chances of developing glaucoma by 66%, finds new research from the Harvard Medical School. Fortunately, you can protect your peepers by cutting back on java and also by following our eye-healthy strategies. Another frightening fry fact Sure, an occasional trip through the drive-thru may seem harmless, but when starchy foods are cooked above 248 degrees, they naturally produce a chemical called acrylamide—a probable human carcinogen. A better bet? Cook this comfort food yourself with these delicious recipes. Drink this, defy your age If there’s science we can get behind, it’s the kind that supports our choosing to sip a glass (or two) of vino. So when we read that ingredients in red wine could not only help us live longer, but slash our risk for a slew of disease, too? We were thrilled. Check out all the healthy reasons to toast yourself.  Do you need a media diet? News junkies, listen up. New research shows that negative headlines put our minds on high-alert and, as a result, increase our levels of stress. So what can you do? Strike a balance between informed and, well, basket-case. Here’s how.  The secret to strong bones Surprise! It’s not milk. A new study shows that the vitamin C in orange juice may do as much for your bones as milk can, particularly in postmenopausal women. Find easy ways to crank up your C intake.

Health News From the Week of October 7   Prevention - 11