Really push yourself this last week, and set aside enough time to do it. Most days, you’ll need to spend 40 minutes–not 30–on your workout, and some days you’ll spend a little longer toning your trouble spots.   In addition to this week’s workouts, continue to get support from the challenge’s amazing fitness and nutrition coaches. They’ll answer all of your questions throughout the final steps of this 4-week program.   [pagebreak] MONDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, you’re going to do the now-familiar Pyramid, and you’ll add a new challenge to this Fat-Burning Cardio routine: another 10 minutes! If you think you can’t do it, think again. The past three weeks of consistent cardio has built up your endurance and metabolism so that you can push yourself a bit farther. If you’re still a bit nervous, follow along with Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten as she performs a 40-minute Pyramid podcast.   In addition, you will also increase your intensity as you do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine today. By now, the amount of reps might feel more comfortable and the weight isn’t as much a struggle as it was during Week 1. Complete the routine four times, instead of the three reps you’ve been doing before. In addition, Increase the weight of your dumbbells. The weight (try 8 to 12 pounds) should be hard to lift by the end of each set, and when it feels too easy, increase the amount.   If you need a better feel for this strength routine, Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager can help. Watch her perform all the moves in the Summer Body Shape-Up videos.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 40 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up, increased reps and weight

  TIP OF THE DAY: STAY SAFE Good Form = Good Function   You hear it all the time: Proper form is important whether you’re walking down the block or doing the Dip and Bridge from the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge. But what does good form really involve?

Focus. Turn your full attention to what you’re doing. If you’re squatting, really concentrate on using your leg muscles to lift and lower your body. You should really feel the challenge in the muscles you’re working. When doing cardio, try not to let your mind wander too much–turn off the TV near the treadmill and put the magazine away. Fully engage the activity at the prescribed level to get full benefits.


Breathe. Your body needs oxygen to work. So try not to hold your breath during resistance training. Instead, use your breath to help you lift better. Time your breathing so you’re exhaling during the lifting or pushing phase of a move and inhaling as you return to the starting position between repetitions. While walking, your breathing should be steady, even when you’re working hard.


Stand Tall. Good posture is important, as it keeps your joints in proper alignment and helps protect your back. Always stand tall, keeping your head up and centered between your shoulders, with your chest lifted and shoulders back and relaxed. When you walk, pull your navel to your spine, as though zipping up a snug pair of pants. Bend your arms and pump them forward and back close to your body while you take short strides from heel to toe. Good posture is important, as it keeps your joints in proper alignment and helps protect your back. Always stand tall, keeping your head up and centered between your shoulders, with your chest lifted and shoulders back and relaxed. When you walk, pull your navel to your spine, as though zipping up a snug pair of pants. Bend your arms and pump them forward and back close to your body while you take short strides from heel to toe.

  Get more tips on perfecting your form as you walk.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] TUESDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today is going to be similar to yesterday’s cardio workout extention. You’re going to do the Fat-Burning Cardio routine for an additional 10 minutes. Take your pick from the three Prevention-approved options, or try the Roller Coaster.   Also, remember to download the new 40-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated as you walk, bike or swim.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 40 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: FUEL UP A Morning Pick-Me-Up   Working out first thing in the morning–before life starts pitching you curveballs–is a great way to stay on track. But it can be difficult to squeeze in breakfast between rolling out of the sheets and rolling out on the street for your power walk, at least without causing some tummy troubles. You need a little fuel to energize those a.m. workouts, so don’t go out empty.   Try this: Eat a slightly larger dinner, so your muscle stores are well-stocked for your morning bout. Then top off your tank with a small (about 100 calories) snack in the morning. It can even be a liquid breakfast, like a small smoothie or protein shake. Then have another small meal, like yogurt and a piece of toast, when you’re done.   Find out more on how to fuel up for your morning workouts.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] WEDNESDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: You’re at the mid-week point of Week 4, and you’re doing amazing! Today, it’s time for another extended Fat-Burning Cardio routine: Chutes & Ladders. In addition to that 40-minute workout, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine. Remember to push yourself with these strength-training moves by increasing your reps and weights.   Also remember to download our 40-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now and watch our videos of Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager demonstrating the Shape-Up moves.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 40 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

  TIP OF THE DAY: BE YOUR BEST Find Fit Friends   The company you keep can make you gain weight. A study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California found that a person’s odds of becoming obese rose 57 percent if a friend became obese. Not surprisingly, your best friends have the strongest influence. When two people name the other as a close friend, and one becomes obese, the others’ odds of putting on excess pounds skyrockets 171%.   Here’s the good news: The study also found that it worked both ways. When a friend loses weight, you’re more likely to trim down as well. Enlist a friend to join you on the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge. Or seek out an acquaintance who faithfully follows a healthful diet and exercise plan. You just might “catch” something good!   Get insight from food psychologist Brian Wansink on how your friends influence your weight loss goals.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] THURSDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, we recommend you focus solely on some cardio work. Try the Pyramid cardio routine. Don’t forget to make the workout last 40 minutes!   Before you get started, download our 40-minute Pyramid podcast to keep you motivated. Remember, you can do this routine while walking, running, cycling, swimming, using a cardio machine or simply dancing in your living room.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 40 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: TONE YOUR TROUBLE SPOTS Beat Back Flab   Tankinis are a girl’s best friend for covering soft spots around the middle, but they’re not so forgiving when it comes to flabby spots in the back, specifically those that sit right at the bra line.   Tone up those little-used muscles for a firmer rearview. Targeting that upper back area also gives you a bit more of a V shape, which makes your waist look slimmer and balances out your hips. Strong back muscles also improve your posture, which always looks good.

Cross Chop. This move will firm your upper back as well as the shoulders and core. Stand in the lunge position, right leg extended in front, left leg extended behind you, balancing on ball of your left foot. Hold dumbbells overhead and slightly to the right. Simultaneously, bend your knees to drop straight down into a lunge while pulling the weights across the front of your body and over to the outside of the left hip, arms extended. Return to start. Repeat for 5 reps, and then switch sides.

  For a workout that includes this and other back-firming moves, check out fitness expert Chris Freytag as she does the 3-2-1 Back Workout.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] FRIDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: You’re almost done with the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge–you just have one more big workout. Try the Roller Coaster. This 40-minute routine burns more than 250 calories and turns up your metabolism so you melt extra calories for hours after you’re done. In addition to that workout, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine. You’ll be increasing the amount of times you move through the circuit, just like you did on Wednesday.   Before you get started, download our 40-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated. Remember, you can do this routine while walking, running, cycling, swimming, using a cardio machine or simply dancing in your living room.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 40 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

  TIP OF THE DAY: LOSE IT FOR GOOD Play it Smart at Parties   Most of us associate emotional eating with digging into the Ben & Jerry’s when we’re feeling blue. But happy times can be equally risky for emotional eaters. In fact, researchers from Tufts University found that the biggest predictor of weight gain among adult women was their level of “disinhibition,” or unrestrained behavior. Those with the least restraint were apt to gain as much as 33 pounds in adulthood.   When does restraint most commonly go out the window? Parties, dinners with friends, and other social situations. If you tend to throw caution–and your diet–to the wind when you’re having a good time, you need a game plan to keep you from going too far off course. Tell yourself you’ll only eat fresh fruits and vegetables for the first hour of the party. Then allow yourself one sweet or savory treat. At restaurants, choose ahead of time if you’re going to order an appetizer or dessert. It’ll be easier to show restraint when you’ve planned your indulgence.   For more happy eating tips, learn the secrets of naturally slim women.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SATURDAY   Today is the last day of the challenge’s workout plan. Take your pick of the three Fat-Burning Cardio routines and work out to your favorite this weekend. Or, just do the Chutes & Ladders to get you ready to strut your stuff this summer now that you’ve earned it.   Stay motivated with an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 40-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 40 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: GET HEALTHY Make Exercise Your Miracle Drug   The headlines just keep on coming: Exercise is a tonic for all that ails you, improving your heart health and brain power and lowering your risk for diabetes, cancer, depression, and a host of other ills. It may even work better than drugs. In a Consumer Reports survey of more than 46,000 men and women, people reported that exercise was almost as effective–and sometimes more effective–than prescription medications for common conditions like allergies, depression, high cholesterol, insomnia, arthritis, back pain, prostate problems, and respiratory infections.   Use exercise as the ultimate anti-aging medicine with the Fitness Formula.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SUNDAY   Congratulations! You’ve completed the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge! Today is all yours to take a break and enjoy the happiness that has come from four weeks of hard work. Rest and relax.   Your Workout:


  If you’re not ready to end the challenge workout just yet, you don’t have to. Spend another week with this week’s routine extension workout plan–lengthening cardio workouts and increasing the weight and reps of your strength-training circuit. Keep up the momentum with this level of workout, and then check out some of the great targeted exercises in Prevention’s Body By Design.   TIP OF THE DAY: REWARD YOURSELF Buy that Swim Suit!   You did it! Make today the day you go out and pick a swimsuit you really love. Find a fit and color that flatters your form. Show off newly sculpted areas you’re proud of, but don’t feel bad about needing to minimize those stubborn spots that are slower to get where you want them. Give your anxiety a healthy shrug and celebrate the body you have. Maybe it’s not perfect. But who’s is? When you feel good on the inside, you look good on the outside. Now get ready to enjoy the summer! You’ve earned it.   Struggling to overcome your swimsuit season anxiety? These wise words from Prevention advisor Pamela M. Peeke, MD, PhD can help.   .  

title: “Get Healthy For Summer Challenge Prevention” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-05” author: “Kenneth Hursh”

  Most days, you’ll be done with your workouts in 30 minutes, and some days you’ll spend a little longer toning your trouble spots. And in just a few weeks, you’ll have a beach-ready body!   In addition to this week’s workouts, get support from the challenge’s amazing fitness and nutrition coaches. They’ll answer all of your questions throughout the 4-week program.   [pagebreak] MONDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, it’s time for another Fat-Burning Cardio routine. Take your pick from one of the three Prevention-approved workouts: Pyramid, Roller Coaster or Chutes & Ladders. As you well know, you can do your favorite interval routine, but we recommend you do a mix of them during the next three weeks. Start this week with the Pyramid.     However you decide to do it, stay motivated with upbeat music and an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 30-minute Pyramid podcast now.     In addition, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine of strength-training moves. Perform these in a circuit, moving immediately from one more to the next until you’ve completed the routine three times.     If you need a better feel for this strength routine, Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager can help. Watch her perform all the moves in the Summer Body Shape-Up videos.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 30 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

  TIP OF THE DAY: STAY SAFE Treat Your Feet   They literally carry all your weight, yet what thanks do your feet get for shouldering the load? Poor fitting shoes, swelling, aches and pains. A whopping 90% of women wear shoes that are too tight for their feet, according to the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, and 80% have foot problems as a result.   Go to a specialty shoe store and have a knowledgeable staff person measure your foot (even if you’re sure you know your size; you often need a larger size in athletic shoes). There should be at least a half inch between your longest toe and the end of the shoe when you’re standing, and you should be able to wiggle all your toes. The shoe should be comfortable out of the box with no “break-in” period. Make a note in your calendar to buy a new pair six months from now.   Next, examine the shoes you wear when you aren’t working out. Spend no more than three hours in three-inch (or higher) heels. And flip-flops or ballet slippers aren’t a great solution, as they provide little to no support. Instead, wear shoes that conform to your feet and have cushioned soles to absorb shock.   Find out more to keep your feet happy.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] TUESDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today is going to be less intense than yesterday’s workout. You’re just going to do the Fat-Burning Cardio routine–this time, try the Roller Coaster.   Also, remember to download our 30-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated as you walk, bike or swim.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 30 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: FUEL UP Plan Between-Meal Bites   Research shows healthy snacking can be part of a successful weight loss regimen. Just be careful, as most Americans go overboard with their between-meal treats. A study in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis found that sweets, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, salty snacks and fruit drinks account for a 30% of our total calorie intake. Plan your snacks and eat with a purpose. If you know you’re always hungry at 3 p.m., plan to have a yogurt and piece of fruit or an energy bar, so you’re not mindlessly wandering to the vending machine or refrigerator. You’ll eat less in the long run if you satisfy your hunger when it hits rather than grazing your way through the day.   For healthy snacks to help you lose weight, try these treats to curb hunger and heart-smart sweets.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] WEDNESDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: You’re at the mid-week point of Week 3, and you’re doing great! Today, it’s time for another Fat-Burning Cardio routine: Chutes & Ladders. In addition to that 30-minute workout, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine. All you need for this is a pair of dumbbells at a weight that is right for you.   Also remember to download our 30-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now and watch our videos of Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager demonstrating the Shape-Up moves.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 30 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

  TIP OF THE DAY: BE YOUR BEST Pass the Weight Loss Plateau   When you first start a fitness plan, the weight seems to fall right off. But sometimes a few weeks into it, progress stalls and those last stubborn pounds stick around. Try these simple steps to get the scale moving in the right direction again:

Up Your Intensity: If your workouts have become a breeze, they’re probably boring your body–and burning fewer calories. Increase your weights, do more reps, and crank up the cardio to keep your workouts working. (Stay tuned: You’ll be doing this next week!)


Pare Your Portions: It’s easy to backslide a little on portions as your routine becomes more, well, routine. Look at everything you eat with a fresh set of eyes. When restaurant dishes come out, slice off 25% to send back or wrap up. Stick to pre-bagged or ready-portioned snacks instead of eating straight from the bag or box.


Reduce Your Stress: Negative emotions can drive you to the cookie jar. Plus, runaway stress raises your cortisol level, which encourages fat storage. Instead of letting a temporary roadblock get you down, take steps to stay positive and keep the weight coming off.

  Get more plateau-busting advice.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] THURSDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, we recommend you ease back into some cardio work. Try the Pyramid cardio routine.   Before you get started, download our 30-minute Pyramid podcast to keep you motivated. Remember, you can do this routine while walking, running, cycling, swimming, using a cardio machine or simply dancing in your living room.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 30 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: TONE YOUR TROUBLE SPOTS Belly Flatteners   Your abdominal muscles can get stretched and soft from general disuse. That’s why you can end up with a protruding belly even after losing excess waist weight. To pull in that pooch, you need to tighten and firm those underlying muscles. The moves in the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge are specially tailored to target this area, but if you need more help, you can add some extra tummy-toning moves like these do-anywhere crunches:

Elbow-to-Knee Crunch: Stand tall with legs hip- to shoulder-width apart. Raise arms overhead, elbows soft, palms facing each other. Contract your abs and pull your arms straight down in front of you while lifting your right knee straight up to hip height. Return to start, and repeat with the opposite leg. Alternate for a set of 20.


Standing Oblique Crunch: Stand with feet hip- to shoulder-width apart. Place your right hand on your hip and raise your left arm overhead, hand in a loose fist, palm facing right. Bend your left elbow and pull straight down along the left side while simultaneously raising the left knee out to the side to meet the elbow. Return to start. Repeat for a full set of 10 to 15 before switching sides.

  For belly-flattening routines that include these moves and more, check out this video clip from fitness expert Chris Freytag. And for even more waist-whittling moves, try Better Belly Yoga.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] FRIDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: You’re almost done with Week 3-you just have one more big workout. Try the Roller Coaster. Each 30-minute routine burns about 200 calories and turns up your metabolism so you melt extra calories for hours after you’re done. In addition to that workout, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine.   Before you get started, download our 30-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated. Remember, you can do this routine while walking, running, cycling, swimming, using a cardio machine or simply dancing in your living room.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 30 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

  TIP OF THE DAY: LOSE IT FOR GOOD Treat Yourself to a Little Temptation   Whatever you do, don’t think about eating a single ounce of smooth, dark, rich scrumptious chocolate. That’s right, absolutely no creamy, satisfying, mood-brightening chocolate. Whatever you do, don’t eat the….fourth or fifth piece. That’s what happens when you systematically deprive yourself of one of your favorite foods. Your mind latches onto it until you give in–and inevitably overindulge. In studies where women are denied the food they crave (like chocolate), they crave it even more and end up overeating.   So what’s the answer? Give yourself permission to eat that forbidden food. Seriously. It’s the fact that you believe you can’t have it that makes you really, really want it. If you truly want that chocolate or those chips, give yourself permission to go get them. You’ll eat less when you remove the food’s power over you.   Find out more on managing emotional eating and food deprivation.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SATURDAY   Today is the last day of this week’s workout plan. Take your pick of the three Fat-Burning Cardio routines and work out to your favorite this weekend. Or, just do the Chutes & Ladders to get you ready to start fresh in the final week of the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge.   Stay motivated with an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 30-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now.   Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 30 minutes

  TIP OF THE DAY: GET HEALTHY Smaller the Belly, Longer the Life   The benefits of trimming your tummy go far beyond looking better on the beach. It can also save your life. A new report from the landmark Nurses’ Health Study finds that having a big waist seems to raise women’s death rates, even in women who aren’t overweight. Among women of normal weight, those with a waist measuring greater than 35 inches were three times more likely to die of heart disease as their smaller-waisted peers. Regardless of weight, women with trimmer midsections had lower death rates from all causes, including heart disease and cancer.   For more on belly fat and how to be rid of it once and for all, meet the women who lost 14 inches from their stomachs.   Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SUNDAY   TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Congratulations! Today, take a break. Rest and relax.   Your Workout:


  You are almost done! You’ve just finished the third week of the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge. Next week, you will extend the routine by lengthening cardio workouts and increasing the weight and reps of your strength-training circuit, so get ready to start strong tomorrow.   TIP OF THE DAY: REWARD YOURSELF Calm Your Mind   Meditation has been likened to stilling the waters of a muddled river. While the water is rushing, it remains cloudy and confused. Pull out a bucket of that water and let it sit uninterrupted and all the silt settles to the bottom, leaving clear, pure water behind. Treat yourself to some stillness to clear your mind this morning.   Simply sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and follow your breath as it enters and exits your body. Let your thoughts drift through your mind without attaching yourself to any of them. Start with five minutes, and work your way up to as long as you are comfortable.   For more on mediation, its benefits, and how to do it, check out the Five-Minute Meditation.   Go to next week’s assignment.  

title: “Get Healthy For Summer Challenge Prevention” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-06” author: “Erich Alleyne”

Most days, you’ll be done with your workouts in 30 minutes, and some days you’ll spend a little longer toning your trouble spots. And in just a few weeks, you’ll have a beach-ready body!   In addition to this week’s workouts, get support from the challenge’s amazing fitness and nutrition coaches. They’ll answer all of your questions throughout the 4-week program. [pagebreak] MONDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, it’s time for another Fat-Burning Cardio routine. Now that you’ve done all three–Pyramid, Roller Coaster and Chutes & Ladders–you should know the drill. You can do your favorite interval routine, but we recommend you do a mix of them during the next three weeks. Start this week with the Pyramid, which forces you to push for increasingly longer intervals with little recovery, then shorter intervals as you finish. However you decide to do it, stay motivated with upbeat music and an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 30-minute Pyramid podcast now. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 30 minutes

TIP OF THE DAY: STAY SAFE Fight Friction Every time you move your body, you create a little calorie burning heat. That’s a good thing. But you can also create some unwanted hot spots–on your feet, inner thighs, and underarms–that can become uncomfortably chafed when rubbed together. That’s definitely not a good thing! To prevent uncomfortable chafing during exercise, be sure to wear well-fitted workout clothing made from breathable wicking fabrics like CoolMax, PolyPro, and Supplex, not cotton. If you have a particularly stubborn chafing spot, like the inner thighs, rubbing on a little lubricant such as petroleum jelly or a sport specific product like Body Glide can eliminate friction and solve the problem. The steps for preventing blisters are similar. You want to keep your feet dry and friction-free. That starts with the right socks. Choose wicking, fitted socks that are made specifically for walking, such as Thorlo, WigWam, and SmartWool. Steer clear of cotton since it absorbs moisture and tends to bunch up, causing hot spots and blisters. You can also use a lubricant such as Body Glide on your feet to keep them free from friction. Find out how to beat blisters and solve other common walking problems. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] TUESDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today is going to be one of your most intense workouts this week. Not only are you going to do another Fat-Burning Cardio routine-this time, try the Roller Coaster–but you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine of strength-training moves. Perform these in a circuit, moving immediately from one more to the next until you’ve completed the routine three times. If you need a better feel for this strength routine, Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager can help. Watch her perform all the moves in the Summer Body Shape-Up videos. Also, remember to download our 30-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated as you walk, bike or swim. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 30 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

TIP OF THE DAY: FUEL UP Drink it Up As the days start to warm up, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially if you’re working up a little sweat outside. A 2003 study of more than 300 gym-goers in Chicago and Los Angeles found that nearly half of the exercisers were slightly dehydrated before they even began their workouts. Dehydration can slow you down and impair your performance, so be sure to hydrate with a cup or two (about 16 ounces) of water about an hour before you head out the door. During your workout, be sure to have water at the ready for whenever you feel you need a swig. Then hydrate again after you’ve finished exercising with another 16 ounces. Plain water can work wonders, but if you want more of a boost, get the skinny on flavored waters and sports drinks. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] WEDNESDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: You’re at the mid-week point of Week 2, and you’re doing great! Today, it’s time for another Fat-Burning Cardio routine: Chutes & Ladders. Work as if you are climbing a ladder, then slide down to an easy pace for equal amounts of time. Remember, you can do this routine walking, running, on an elliptical or in the pool. Stay motivated with an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 30-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 30 minutes

TIP OF THE DAY: BE YOUR BEST Beat Boredom Even the most energetic exercisers can feel burned out now and then. Try these tips to keep your workouts feeling fresh:

Hit Reverse: Take your favorite walking route in the opposite direction or start your strength-training circuit with the last move and work backwards. Sometimes all it takes to make a routine feel fresh is to change the order in which you do it.

Play DJ: Music has been scientifically proven to help keep you motivated and make you move faster and longer. Having an MP3 player (like an iPod) allows you to be your own DJ and play all the tunes you know will keep you moving. (Hint: For a 30-minute workout, cue up 9 to 10 songs.) If you don’t have a portable music player, consider investing in one as your next exercise reward. You can get a high quality one for less than $50.

Make a Date: Workouts are never boring in the company of a good friend. Enlist a friend or two to take the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge with you.

Sign up for an Event: If making your swimsuit debut in a trim, toned body isn’t enough motivation, put your hard work toward a good cause. Sign up for a 5K charity walk this summer. It’ll give you a concrete goal to aim for, and you’ll get in great shape along the way. If you are ready for a real challenge, sign up for a Team Prevention half or full marathon walking event this fall.

Get more of Challenge Coach Selene Yeager’s tips on how to get your fitness routine back on track. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] THURSDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today is the second of your two longest workouts this week. We recommend you do the Pyramid cardio routine. In addition to that 30-minute workout, you will also do the Summer Body Shape-Up circuit routine. All you need for this is a pair of dumbbells at a weight that is right for you. Also, remember to download our 30-minute Pyramid podcast and watch our videos of Challenge Fitness Coach Selene Yeager demonstrating the Shape-Up moves. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Pyramid, 30 minutesSummer Body Shape-Up

TIP OF THE DAY: TONE YOUR TROUBLE SPOTS The Trouble with Thighs For the most part, women’s body troubles are the same: 84% of women list their thighs, butt, and belly as their biggest trouble spots. Last week, we gave you bonus moves to firm your butt. This week, it’s time to tackle those stubborn thighs. The best move for firmer thighs is the lunge, especially stationary lunges where you assume the lunge position and bend and straighten your knees, lowering your hips toward the floor and back up again without leaving the original position. This maneuver engages your quads, hamstrings, and even glutes. Whiles those areas are fully active, it also helps improve your balance. For a fast thigh-firming routine that includes lots of lunges, check out this thigh workout clip from our fitness expert Chris Freytag. She also shows you how you can make the a basic lunge easier or make it harder, if you’re ready for more of a challenge. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] FRIDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, we recommend you ease back into some cardio work. Try the Roller Coaster. Each 30-minute routine burns about 200 calories and turns up your metabolism so you melt extra calories for hours after you’re done. Before you get started, download our 30-minute Roller Coaster podcast to keep you motivated. Remember, you can do this routine while walking, running, cycling, swimming, using a cardio machine or simply dancing in your living room. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Roller Coaster, 30 minutes

TIP OF THE DAY: LOSE IT FOR GOOD Ask the Big “Why?” Food does more than fill your stomach–it also satisfies your feelings. It’s impossible to deny that, but it’s equally important not to abuse it. One of the hallmarks of emotional eating is unconscious eating–ripping into a bag of chips or spooning into the carton of ice cream while barely registering the act. This is sometimes even more problematic than doing it because you’re angry or bored or sad or even overjoyed. Openly acknowledging your emotions–or lack thereof–first can help break the cycle. This forces you to confront the feeling and make a conscious decision about how you want to deal with it. Every time you walk into the kitchen, ask yourself, “Why am I here?” If you’re truly hungry, and it’s meal or snack time, go ahead and eat. But if the answer is, “I’m frustrated,” “I’m bored,” or even “I don’t know,” consider alternatives to binging. Call a friend, go for a walk, or write in a journal. For more sound advice on emotional eating, check out an excerpt from Dr. Roger Gould’s Shrink Yourself book and read his responses to reader questions. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SATURDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Today, you should maintain the same energy and pace as you had yesterday. Take your pick of the three Fat-Burning Cardio routines and work out to your favorite this weekend. Or, just do the Chutes & Ladders to finish off Week 2 of the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge workout. Stay motivated with an audio podcast of the routine, performed by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten. Download our 30-minute Chutes & Ladders podcast now. Your Workout:

Fat-Burning Cardio: Chutes & Ladders, 30 minutes

TIP OF THE DAY: GET HEALTHY Improve Your Mood Scientific evidence shows that regular exercise works as well as medication for alleviating depression. Some researches claim it might work even better over long periods of time. In a 16-week study, Duke researchers tested the effects of exercise, medication, or a combination of both on treating depression in adults ages 50 and older. By study’s end, 65% of each group had significant improvements. Even better, six months later, the exercisers were much less likely to have their symptoms return than those in the other two groups. Exercise improves your mental health by triggering feel-good hormones such as endorphins, reducing stress hormones, and generally making you more healthy and stress-resistant. Find out more about how exercise can cure diseases. Go to tomorrow’s assignment. [pagebreak] SUNDAY TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: Congratulations! Today, take a break. Rest and relax. Your Workout:


You are halfway there! You’ve just finished the second week of the Get Healthy for Summer Challenge. The next few weeks will increase in intensity, so get ready to start strong tomorrow. TIP OF THE DAY: REWARD YOURSELF Rise and Unwind Relax your mind and body with a few minutes of yoga this morning. Research shows that the meditative stretching works as well as therapy for relieving stress, anger, and exhaustion and for improving blood pressure and cholesterol. Get started with this simple morning stretch routine. Remember to take deep, full belly breaths and to keep your mind focused on your movement.

Full-Body Stretch: While lying on your back, reach your arms over your head and straighten your legs, making yourself longer. Imagine you’re being pulled in opposite directions. Reach out your arms as far as you can, and push your legs as far as they’ll go. If you’re prone to calf cramps, keep your feet flexed. Hold this stretch for three deep breaths and release.

Rag Doll: Sit on the edge of a chair and slump your body over your legs. You should look like a rag doll bent at the waist. Starting from your lower back, slowly roll to a sitting position. To finish, slowly roll your shoulders back to correct posture–this should take approximately 6 to 8 seconds–and look straight ahead. Just as slowly, roll back down to the rag doll position, first tucking your head into your chest, then rolling your shoulders forward, and finally curling down toward your knees

Rag Doll Wrap: In the rag doll position, wrap your arms under your knees and push your back out to stretch your upper, middle, and lower spine. Hold for three deep breaths and release.

Once you’ve mastered this, try another gentle yoga routine to ease you Go to next week’s assignment.