[sidebar] Shiitake Sauté PREP-TO-TABLE TIME: 20 minSERVINGS: 2 3 cloves garlic2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice1 Tbsp reduced-sodium tamari or soy sauce1-2 Tbsp brown sugar1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil4 c sliced shiitake caps1 scallion, chopped Dark sesame oil (optional)

  1. CRUSH garlic and let stand 10 minutes.2. MIX next 3 ingredients.3. HEAT olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Cook mushrooms, stirring, until tender, 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add tamari mixture and reduce to a glaze. Top with scallion and a few drops of sesame oil, if using. NUTRITION (per serving) 174 cal, 4 g pro, 18 g carb, 3 g fiber, 10 g sugars, 11 g fat, 1.5 g sat fat, 364 mg sodium ‘Shroom Snapshot

Maitake is yummy raw or cooked. Large and succulent, it helps curb respiratory infections and may even balance blood sugar.Shitake possesses a delicious, meaty taste and contains lentinan, a polysaccharide with potent immune-boosting and antiviral activity.Reishi packs many immune-enhancing—even cancer-fighting—benefits proven by research. It’s too fibrous to eat, so I like reishi capsules from Fungi Perfecti or New Chapter. Take 1 to 2 g daily.

Tieraona Low Dog, MD, is the author of Life Is Your Best Medicine. Send your questions for Dr. Low Dog to askdrlowdog@prevention.com. More from Prevention: Healthy Mushroom Recipes