Start with a frisky morning run-walk twice a week to rev energy and blast calories. On alternate days, refresh your mind and body with adrenaline-boosting activities, such as kayaking or hiking. “Challenge yourself to a different exercise each week, if you can,” says Robert Reames, creator of the Extreme Makeover Fitness DVD.   Trying new sports will boost your strength and agility by forcing you to use muscles you don’t normally focus on. “Your body will love the element of surprise,” says Reames. What’s more, when you try something new–especially with friends and family–you can huff and puff all day and it feels like fun, not fitness.   Mix in Reames’ 10-Minute Super-Sculpt strength-training routine, and we guarantee you’ll be in tip-top shape by season’s end. To blast off about 6 pounds this summer, aim to burn 1,500 to 2,000 calories per week while doing the Run-Walk Cardio, Grand Summer Slam, and Super-Sculpt. At the end of 12 weeks, you’ll have melted off fat and summoned your inner athlete. That’s a nice summer bonus to carry into fall!

12-Week Run-Walk Cardio Plan


Grand Summer Slam

10-Minute Super-Sculpt

Do this strength-training routine three times a week to burn an extra 100 calories a week. “Pick up some 5- to 8-pound dumbbells, camp yourself on a grassy spot, then flow into each of these exercises for 1 minute and repeat the cycle three times,” says Reames. Use the last minute to stretch, and you’ll be finished before you can say, “Pass the pitcher of margaritas, please.”    

  1. Knee Push-Up (Firms arms, chest, abs, and shoulders)   A. Kneel in push-up position with hands directly beneath shoulders, tops of feet on ground, and abs tight.   B. Bend elbows out to sides and lower chest toward ground for two counts; press back up to full arm extension. Repeat for 1 minute, then move to next exercise.    
  2. Weighted Squat (Firms butt, thighs, and hips)   A. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and stand tall with legs about shoulder-width apart.   B. Lower hips until thighs are almost parallel to ground. (Make sure knees don’t come over toes.) Hold for two counts; stand back up. Repeat for 1 minute, then move to next exercise.    
  3. Bent-Over Row (Firms back and shoulders)   A. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and bend forward from hips so arms hang directly beneath shoulders. Keep back flat.   B. Slowly bend elbows back, pulling dumbbells up toward chest. Hold for two counts; lower to start position. Repeat for 1 minute. Do the cycle a total of three times.   Find more cardio workouts   Blast mega calories and tone allover with the Turn Up Your Fat Burn workout plan