1. Normal body temperature is 98.6 deg F. Actually everyone has a slightly different normal body temp, and what is normal changes by the time of day and declines as you age. 
  2. A fever always means infection. No. Things other than infection can cause your temperature to rise including allergies, dehydration, hormone imbalances, and cancer. 
  3. You should always treat a fever. No again. Fever is a natural defense and some doctors suggest letting it run its course. Just remember to drink lots of water—unless it gets above 104 (for adults) then treatment is in order.
  4. Aspirin is the best medicine for a fever. All over-the-counter antipyretics such as aspirin or acetaminophen work fine for adults, says Dr. Frank. 
  5. If you have a fever you’re contagious. If you have a fever, it doesn’t mean you are contagious, and when you are contagious you may not have a fever. So don’t use having it as a guideline of when you should stay away from other people.
  6. All thermometers are accurate. Actually mercury thermometers are best, with digital coming in second. More from Prevention: Is It A Cold…Or The Flu?