
The Yo-Yo Dieter

I eat healthy, balanced meals and snacks—and my weight still fluctuates –Belinda R., 54  For the past 25 years, Belinda has watched the numbers on the scale bounce up and down–most recently, she shed 20 pounds before putting it right back on. “I weigh 244 now, and I don’t know why because overall, I think I eat well,” she says. For Belinda, that means making sure each meal includes a healthy combination of fat, carbohydrates, and protein, plus at least one fruit or vegetable–such as chicken and hummus in a multigrain wrap, with baby carrots on the side. For snacks and sometimes on-the-go meals, she’ll rely on protein bars and shakes. Her one soft spot is cookies. “I try to satisfy my cravings with lower-fat versions or mini cookies,” she says. And to keep her “furnace stoked,” Belinda eats every 3 hours, even setting her cell phone’s alarm to remind her. She also drinks about 50 ounces of water a day, skips alcohol and fast food, and exercises regularly. Expert Fix  “Eating every few hours is a good way to keep metabolism moving, but Belinda is consuming way too many calories,” says Brooking. Her snacks are the culprits: “They’re too big and too frequent,” explains Blatner. “Even though her choices are healthy, she’s eating, on average, 800 calories in snacks, so it’s like she’s having two extra meals.” Instead, she can stay satisfied eating just two snacks a day, at about 150 calories each—that alone would help er drop about a pound a week! Belinda should also go back to keeping a food diary, suggests Brooking. “It’s helped her lose before because it keeps her accountable.” More calorie-cutting tips:  Pare down the energy bars. Belinda will have a 400-calorie bar as a snack, when really, that’s a meal, says Blatner. She can have one protein bar or shake a day—under 200 calories is a snack; anything higher counts as a meal. Go lean on protein. Although she eats chicken, Belinda often indulges in higher-fat proteins, particularly carne asada (thin slices of grilled beef) and tri tip, a triangular cut from the bottom of a sirloin. On some days, she’ll have two servings of beef; on average, five a week. Belinda does weigh out the proper serving, but just 3 ounces of tri tip contains 225 calories, nearly half of which come from fat; the same amount of skinless turkey has 144 calories. And turkey sausage has 75% less saturated fat than the pork version. Other lean sources of protein: fish and beans. Skip “diet” treats. Fat-free and sugar-free aren’t necessarily low-calorie: For example, one brand of chocolate chip cookie has 53 calories; the reduced-fat version has only 6 fewer. Plus, studies show that overweight people who eat low-fat instead of regular snacks consume, on average, twice as many calories. To satisfy her cookie craving, Belinda should have about 150 calories’ worth of the real thing, says Brooking. [pagebreak] Belinda’s Diet Transformation Before: EARLY MORNING SNACK 20 cherries BREAKFAST 2 slices multigrain bread with 1 Tbsp peanut butter and 1 Tbsp homemade apricot jam; 8 oz low-fat milk SNACK 3 oz tri tip beef with multigrain crackers and baby carrots LUNCH Protein drink SNACK Protein bar DINNER 6 oz tri tip beef with 1 slice multigrain bread and baby carrots; 3 coconut cookies for dessert SNACK 20 cherries LATE-NIGHT SNACK Graham cookies with 8 oz low-fat milk After: BREAKFAST 3 egg whites, scrambled, with 1 slice multigrain bread and 1 small apple SNACK 3/4 c berries with 1/4 c granola LUNCH Protein drink SNACK 1/2 c low-fat plain yogurt DINNER 3 oz turkey cutlet with 1/2 c brown rice, handful of baby carrots, and small side salad with 2 Tbsp light dressing; 1 serving whole wheat graham crackers and 4 oz low-fat milk for dessert Saves 863 calories per day in snacks  [pagebreak]

The Food Cop

I stick to small servings but can’t lose the last 10 pounds –Donna Gold, 56  Donna certainly doesn’t eat a lot—she’ll have a fat-free milk cappuccino for breakfast: “Food too early in the morning turns on my hunger switch, and then I’m looking for snacks all day,” she explains. For lunch, she’ll have a small yogurt-and-fruit shake, and dinner is often two pieces of chicken, spinach with walnuts as a side, and wine or beer. “Most nights, I don’t eat until 9:30, so sometimes I’ll skip a real meal and have handfuls of nuts and prunes,” she says. Red meat is a rarity; so are rice and bread. Occasionally, she’ll indulge in a few chocolates in the afternoon or a handful of chocolate chips after dinner. She does Pilates, rides a stationary bike, and tries to hike or ski on weekends. She carries 155 pounds on her 5-foot-4 frame and wants to drop 10 more. “It’s so confusing,” she says. “How can I eat so little and still not lose?” Expert Fix  Donna’s right—on some days, it doesn’t seem like she’s eating enough to gain weight, and that might be part of her problem, says Brooking: “If she gets less than 1,200 calories in a day, her metabolism will slow down to help conserve energy and prevent starvation.” To reach her goal, she should consume about 1,450 calories a day and spread out her meals and snacks more evenly to keep her metabolism stoked and blood sugar levels steady. Some tips to tweak her daily menu: Eat in the morning. Studies show that people who have breakfast are better able to lose weight, and keep it off, than those who don’t. “But one size doesn’t always fit all,” says Brooking. “Binges can be caused by so many things—stress, menstrual cycle, even genetics. If eating when she first wakes up causes Donna to overeat later, she can start her day with cappuccino, but then have a midmorning meal that combines a fiber and protein to help jump-start her metabolism and boost her energy. Curb liquid calories. Donna has 2 cups of cappuccino (each with 2 teaspoons of sugar) and 2 cups of tea (each with 2 teaspoons of honey)–that’s 150 calories in sweetener alone. Try smaller amounts, says Brooking, or a zero-calorie option, like Splenda, instead. She should also replace her wine or beer with flavored club soda or water a few nights a week. Keep snack portions in check. Nuts provide healthy fat, and prunes are packed with nutrients, but the combo is high in calories. “Donna’s typical snack of seven walnuts and five prunes clocks in at 300 calories,” says Blatner. She should pick one or the other and save her calories for real meals. Expand menu options. “Different foods offer different nutritional profiles,” says Brooking. “That’s why variety is the central tenet of sound nutrition. Donna is in a rut—she eats the same thing day in and day out. But she can expand her choices and still create a healthy meal: “Chicken, fish, and lean beef are all great protein foods.” [pagebreak] Donna’s Diet Transformation Before: BREAKFAST 2 c fat-free milk cappuccino and 4 tsp sugar LUNCH 3/4 c yogurt blended with 1/2 c blueberries, 1 banana, 1/3 c raspberries, and 1 Tbsp honey SNACK 2 c tea with 2% milk and 4 tsp honey SNACK 7 walnuts and 5 prunes DINNER 2 chicken thighs sauteed in olive oil with onion, ginger, and garlic; 1 c spinach sauteed in olive oil with garlic and crushed walnuts; 1 1/2 glasses of wine SNACK 5 walnuts or 2 handfuls of chocolate chips After:  BREAKFAST 1 c low-fat milk cappuccino and 1 tsp sugar SNACK 1/2 c low-fat plain yogurt topped with 2 Tbsp walnuts LUNCH 3 oz chicken in a wheat wrap with tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers, with 1 c broth-based vegetable soup SNACK 5 prunes and 2 c tea with 1/2 c fat-free milk and 2 tsp honey DINNER 1/2 c whole wheat pasta and 1/2 c tomato-based sauce with 3 oz ground turkey with seasonings, 1-1 1/2 c raw or steamed veggies, and flavored seltzer; 100-calorie brownie for dessert [pagebreak]

The Sweet Tooth

“I lost 130 pounds but can’t give up my chocolate” –Julia Griggs Havey, 47  If anyone knows the diet damage sugar can cause, it’s Julia: She used to weigh 290, and chocolate and ice cream were mostly to blame. Then, 12 years ago, she shed 130 pounds by improving her diet and increasing her exercise. “I’ve written books about my weight loss and now coach others to live healthy,” says Julia. “But in the past few years, I’ve put about 20 pounds back on, and I’m not happy about it.” Julia still sticks to the habits that helped her lose: She drinks lots of water; gets her protein from chicken, fish, and egg whites; skips soda; watches her portions; and works out regularly. “When I get busy, however, I have a tougher time eating healthy,” she says. “I’ll find myself giving in to my trigger foods more often. And if I’m not in bed by 11 PM, I’m searching for a snack, which usually ends up being something sweet. My diet is always a work in progress, and right now, I know it needs a tweak.” Expert Fix “Julia is savvy about weight loss,” says Brooking. “She incorporates lots of steamed vegetables and fruit into her diet, which is great. But she does have a sweet tooth, and that’s probably what’s undoing her hard work.” Some chocolate-covered almonds or a few handfuls of chocolate chips in the afternoon, cookies or sugary cereal after dinner—they all add up, says Blatner. To help curb her munchies, she should make sure each meal is well balanced–3 ounces of protein, 1 cup or less of whole grains, and lots of vegetables. Here, some tips to get her back on track:  Cook in bulk. “It’s tough to find time to make meals every day, so when you do cook, prepare more than you need and freeze the extra portions,” suggests Brooking. That way, even on the craziest days, you have a healthy home-cooked meal ready to reheat. And keep good-for-you snacks in the house, such as whole grain crackers or low-fat cheese wedges. “I always tell my clients that when it comes to weight loss, being prepared is more than half the battle.” Get a lower-calorie chocolate fix. Julia loves chocolate, but just five chocolate-covered almonds have 210 calories, and a giant soft-baked deli cookie could pack 400 to 500 calories. Try this instead, suggests Blatner: Drizzle fresh fruit with chocolate syrup (1 tablespoon is 54 calories), stir 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips (70 calories) into fatfree Greek-style yogurt, or sip diet hot chocolate (25 calories per packet). Have peppermint after dinner. Because Julia is a classic night eater, she needs to find ways to tell her body the kitchen is closed, says Blatner. Chewing on peppermint-flavored gum and drinking peppermint tea are two great options: Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University found that people who simply sniffed peppermint ate 23% fewer calories, on average, over a 5-day period. [pagebreak] Julia’s Diet Transformation Before:  BREAKFAST Protein smoothie: 1 banana, protein powder, water, and ice cubes; glass of juice SNACK Handful of chocolate-covered almonds LUNCH 1 c butternut squash ravioli drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and basil, with 1 head of steamed broccoli DINNER 6 oz roasted, skinless chicken breast SNACK 1 c frosted cereal with 1/2 c fat-free milk and blueberries LATE -NIGHT SNACK Handful of chocolate chips After: BREAKFAST Fruit smoothie: 1 small banana, 1/2 c fat-free milk, and ice cubes SNACK 1 Tbsp hummus with 1 serving whole grain crackers LUNCH 1/2 c butternut squash ravioli drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and basil, with 3 oz grilled chicken and steamed broccoli SNACK 1 c diet hot chocolate DINNER 3 oz lean meat, 1/2 c brown rice, and salad; fat free Greek-style yogurt with 1 Tbsp chocolate chips for dessert [pagebreak]

Secret to Extra Weight Loss

Eat more fiber, say researchers at Brigham Young University. In a study of 252 women, those who ate 8 additional grams of total fiber for every 1,000 calories they consumed lost nearly 4 1/2 pounds; every gram decrease in total fiber intake resulted in an average weight gain of more than 1/2 pound. To sneak in those extra grams of filling fiber daily, add a cup of raspberries to your yogurt or cereal, or toss 1/2 cup of lentils into your soup or salad. Play The Portions Game! Do you know what a healthy serving of nuts looks like? Or how big 3 ounces of chicken is? Take our Portion Control Pop Quiz and find out.

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