Is Extra Weight Actually Healthy? [UPI] You might be anxious to drop those last 10 pounds, but new research suggests that holding onto them might actually be good for your health. A new US government study concludes that overweight people with a BMI of 25 to 30—who make up more than 30% of the U.S. population—have a 6% lower risk of dying than those with a BMI in the normal range of 18.5 to 25. The research evaluated 97 studies, comprising more than 3 million participants. But don’t use this research as an excuse to ditch healthy eats and exercise: Researchers caution that the findings might be explained by BMI as an inaccurate metric, by which those with lots of muscle mass (obviously a health boon) technically qualify as overweight. (Want to move more and eat better? These 100 Simple Tricks will help you do both.) Another Reason To Butt Out [BBC News] If you resolved to quit smoking in the New Year, here’s another motivator: Kicking the habit actually appears to reduce anxiety levels. These counterintuitive findings, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, ought to reassure smokers who worry that butting out might actually make them moodier and more stressed. Researchers followed 500 smokers, and found “significant” decreases in anxiety levels among those who quit for six months. (Ready to snuff out the smokes? Find out how Text Messages Might Help You Butt Out.)  6 Winter Woes To Avoid [Live Science] You already associate winter with the sniffles and a bout of the flu, but those aren’t the only health risks associated with colder temperatures. Other issues to watch out for include Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is characterized by fatigue, hopelessness, and sadness, as well as frostbite, which can come on suddenly and lead to permanent skin damage. But there are also a few surprising: Carbon monoxide poisoning, for instance, is significantly more common in the winter months, as Americans light up fuel-burning appliances to stay warm at home. (Stay well all season with 5 Natural Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter.)   Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: