It’s easy to see how exercise falls by the wayside. You know you should exercise, but you’re busy taking care of your kids, your parents, your career, and your community. So weeks go by, then months, maybe even years.   Then something happens – a visit to your doctor, trouble buttoning your favorite jeans, realizing you’re constantly tired, or an invitation to your class reunion. So you dig your sneakers out from the back of the closet and, brimming with new enthusiasm, attempt too much too soon. You pull a muscle or twist a joint. Now you’re stuck on the sofa with an ice pack and a bottle of ibuprofen.   Whether you’re starting your first exercise regimen or just getting back into fitness after a long hiatus, no matter your age, the first step is the most important: Tune in to your body. People who are inactive often aren’t in touch with how their body feels and what it can and can’t do. Start slowly, especially if you have gained weight over the years or developed arthritis in your joints.

Ease into It

I strongly recommend that you check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. You need to know how much exertion is age appropriate for your heart and joints. Then ease into exercise to give your body time to get used to movement.   Proper clothing and shoes are essential for exercise safety. Loose garments can trip you up or catch on exercise machines. Tight garments can impede circulation. If you’re walking early in the morning, or after dark, be sure to wear light colors and reflective gear. And treat your feet to the best pair of walking or running shoes you can afford.   Warming up and cooling down are especially important as we age. You can warm up by walking briskly or by working out at a low intensity on any cardio machine. Cooling down helps your heartbeat return to its resting rate, so conclude your exercise session by moving at a gentle pace for at least 5 minutes.   Drinking plenty of water is vital. If you’re moving more, your muscles and joints need extra hydration. I recommend drinking 4 to 6 ounces of water for every 15 minutes of exercise. If you’re going for a long walk, take a water bottle with you.

Find the Happy Zone

Make sure that you’re using good form when you exercise to protect your muscles and joints. Fitness classes taught by qualified professionals can show you the right way to strengthen and tone your muscles without stresses and strains. If you work out at home with exercise programs on DVDs or videos, pay attention to how the moves are demonstrated and described. Or consider working with a certified personal trainer – she can often diagnose and correct poor form in a single session.   Remember that gasping for breath is a sign you’re working too hard. Aim instead for what I call “the happy zone.” In the happy zone, also known as the cardio or fat-burning zone, you’re working a little harder than just strolling to the mailbox. You’re breaking a sweat, and you’re breathing with your mouth open, to get all that oxygen to your muscles. But you’re also moving at a pace that you can sustain for at least 10 minutes or longer.   Finally, always stop if you feel pain. Pain is a strong, clear message from your body. So listen to it! A little achy soreness or tiredness is fine but, if it doesn’t go away in a few days, you have pushed yourself to hard. Ease up a bit.   (Posted January 2007)