When you hear the words “global threat,” you probably think nuclear weapons or climate change…not shampoo or tomatoes. Unfortunately, both of them could pose global risks of a different variety, according to a major new report from the World Health Organization and the United Nations.  Personal care products and non-organic produce often harbor endocrine-disrupting chemicals—found in synthetic fragrances and pesticides, among other compounds—that behave like estrogen, testosterone, or other hormones inside the human body. These chemicals, some research suggests, interfere with the operation of your endocrine system, which controls hormones that impact every facet of our health. In fact, the chemicals are so risky that the WHO and UN Environment Programme’s new report, “State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals,” labels them “a global threat.” Why? Because more and more research links the substances to chronic illnesses.  “Never has there been a time in history that the disease burden of the human population is predominantly chronic disease, not communicable or infectious disease,” says report co-author Thomas Zoeller, PhD, a professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “We can’t prove that a spike in chronic disease is related to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, but we can’t continue to deny that these disease trends are occurring.”  The report warns of myriad potential risks to human health. Among them: Infertility, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis in women; low sperm quality in men; thyroid deficiencies that can increase blood pressure and reduce female bone density; and increased rates of diabetes and obesity. Unfortunately, Zoeller notes, it will likely never be possible to link a specific endocrine disruptor to a specific ailment. There are simply too many external factors, like lifestyle and genetics, that can also contribute to chronic diseases.  Your best bet? Avoiding these chemicals as much as possible. Here’s how:  Demand organic. Endocrine-disrupting pesticides include atrazine, 2,4-D, and a class called organophosphates, all common with non-organic foods.  Keep a green home. If you’re trying not to eat pesticides, then it also makes sense to avoid other varieties of exposure. Use natural pest-control methods, try nontoxic gardening tactics, and replace commercial cleaning products with natural solutions. (We’ve rounded up the 11 Best Natural Home Cleaning Products.)  Avoid plastics and canned food. Packaged food can be convenient, but those cans and containers are often made using phthalates and BPA—two common endocrine disruptors. Opt for stainless steel or glass food storage, and buy food sold in glass bottles rather than cans. Clean yourself greener. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, benzene, parabens, and glycol ethers are pervasive in cosmetics and personal care products. Check the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database to rate the safety of products you use and to find safer options.  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.