After examining three previous studies involving about 80,000 people, researchers in the UK discovered that people who ate the most fruits and veggies were less likely to exhibit nervousness, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. They were also more likely to be happy and satisfied with their lives. Plus, the more produce people consumed, the happier they were.   More from Prevention: 8 Ways To Have Your Best Day Ever “In every study we looked at, there was a correlation in fruit and vegetable consumption and mental health,” says study co-author Sarah Stewart-Brown, professor of public health at the University of Warwick. “What’s more, every additional portion increased the level of well-being.” The happiest people in the studies averaged about eight produce servings a day.  While this study doesn’t offer evidence that eating more fruits and veggies causes us to be happier and less stressed, the data suggests at least a strong association between the food on your plate and your mental state.  The problem—of course—is that most of us don’t come close to eating the eight daily servings of produce the happiest people in the study took in. But not to worry; here’s how to sneak more fruits and veggies into your diet from Keri Glassman, RD, author of The New You (and Improved!) Diet. Start early. “Adding fruit to your cereal and yogurt and vegetables to eggs is an obvious way to add in fruits and veggies before you’ve even started your day,” says Glassman. Keep pre-rinsed and chopped produce in the fridge so you can easily toss in an omelet or sprinkle on cereal.  Go skinny-dipping. Try making your own dip so you can puree more vegetables right in, suggests Glassman. It only takes seconds in a food processor, and you’ll get more veggies than would come in a jarred dip brand. For extra points, make your own chips by baking vegetables like beets, carrots, parsnips, or sweet potatoes. (Need ideas? Check out these 10 low-cal chip and dip recipes.)   Hide them in soups. “If you don’t particularly like the taste of vegetables, try adding pureed veggies to your soup,” Glassman says. “Not only will they be a hidden ingredient, they’ll also create a richer and thicker soup without having to rely on cream. You can make a large pot on Sunday and enjoy a bowl all week long.” (Get cooking with these 20 heart-healthy soups and stews.) Head to the freezer. Stocking up on frozen fruit ups the convenience factor and lets you enjoy your favorites even when they’re not in season. Look for organic brands without added sugar. Defrost and enjoy as dessert, or blend into a healthy smoothie.  Layer, layer, layer. Instead of plain old meat and cheese on pizza and a few lonely pieces of lettuce on your sandwich, top off these dishes with thin layers of a few different vegetables, suggests Glassman. “My favorite vegetable toppers are spinach in lasagna; peppers, zucchini, and eggplant on my pizza; and tomatoes and avocado in my sandwich,” she says. “Make your goal to eat an all-veggie sandwich with four different veggies once a week.”   Check out this sample menu of a perfect day of eating—complete with eight easy servings of produce.