But when you ask Sadler what it was that got her from two to 13.1 miles, she doesn’t list off the opportunities afforded by her celebrity status (Hello, personal trainers and nannies). Instead, she points a finger to her daily affirmations—or “Cattfirmations.” “Health, overall, is mind, body, and soul,” she says. “You can eat right and go to the gym five times a week, but it’s all for nothing if you’re not feeding your brain and maintaining total-body balance. We all work so hard and everyone is so busy juggling family, work, and their personal lives, but at some point, women have to put themselves first.” The half marathon training for Sadler was so rewarding that she wishes everyone would do it. That’s why she’s teamed up with Progresso Soup’s ProgressOh! Makeover Campaign; in which three women who’ve worked to reach a milestone in their weight loss journey will fly to Los Angeles for a makeover. “It’s an empowering campaign that allows winners to pamper themselves in a way they wouldn’t have otherwise,” says Sadler. Here, we get more into pampering with Sadler, the importance of motivating mantras, and what really makes ramping up your walk to a run worth it. [sidebar]Prevention: How do you like to be pampered?Catt Sadler: I’m fortunate to get pampered every day at work, sitting in a chair for hair and makeup. It’s a total treat. But when I can sneak away, I love a good foot massage. We love your Daily Cattfirmations. Why do you think mantras are so important to have on hand?We put so much money into gym memberships and finding the right gear to work out in that we don’t feed our brain and spirit—and we need to. Personal mantras keep us aware, and that energy is what kicks up our motivation. Tell us more about your recent half marathon.I am proof that it can be done, regardless of your fitness level. For me, again, it was the mental commitment. My dear friend helped me figure out my game plan as far as training. I trained for nine weeks, and every week I was alternating between walking and running. Starting out, I couldn’t run three miles without stopping. But gradually, alongside strength training and some yoga, I improved.  What was the most challenging part of your training?The hardest part was managing my time. I have a full-time job, two kids, and I found myself running a lot after 9 PM. You just have to be creative. Did you change your diet at all?I paid really close attention to what I was eating. On days I’d struggle to run five miles, I thought, Why will my body not work with me? And I realized it’s because I wasn’t eating enough. Getting the right foods makes a difference (check out perfectly balanced recipes with The Runner’s World Cookbook). As busy as you are, what helps you maintain your health and wellness?A lot of it has to do with grocery shopping. I’ve never been much of a cook and find if my fridge is empty, I’m in big trouble. So trips to wellness stores, like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, and farmers’ markets help me to be strategic. You just have to try and think ahead. Though cheating is OK. Being 100% strict is never attainable. What’s your favorite indulgence?There might be more than one! I love garlic French fries, guacamole, and jalapeno margaritas. But then that’s the beauty of taking care of your health. When you indulge, you don’t feel bad at all. More from Prevention: Your Walk-To-Run Plan