“Eye dryness is a common problem,” says Anne Sumers, MD, particularly if you are female. Half of all women older than age 40 experience dry eyes in some form, whether it’s an intermittent or a persistent problem. Dry eyes are a part of aging, she says. “It’s rotten, unfortunate, but true.” Blinking your eye creates a three-layered film of water, oil, and mucus. Around age 40, the tear glands begin to slow down, producing less of this soothing eye liquid. The problem is even worse for women after menopause because hormonal shifts dry up secretions, including tears, says Sumers. MORE: How To Train Your Eyes To See Better Dry eye is a simple name for a complex and irritating condition that is characterized by redness, burning, itching, scratchiness, tearing, and sensitivity to light. Although usually just another hazard of aging, dry eyes may also be caused by exposure to environmental conditions, injuries to the eye, or general health problems. Sun, wind, cold, indoor heating and air-conditioning, glaring computer screens, and even high altitudes can cause further discomfort if you experience eye dryness. In addition to postmenopausal women, those who are more prone to dry eye include contact lens wearers, people who have undergone LASIK surgery, and those with arthritis and diabetes. A wide variety of medications, including decongestants, antihistamines, diuretics, anesthetics, antidepressants, drugs for heart disease, ulcer remedies, chemotherapies, and drugs containing beta-blockers, can slow down your tear production and cause a case of dry eye. The good news? With the right steps, it is possible to get those tears flowing again. Here are strategies to help with your dry eye treatment.

Apply A Warm Compress

If your eyes become dry every now and then, try placing a clean, warm, damp compress on your eyelids for 5 to 10 minutes at a time, two or three times each day. The moist heat soothes dry eyes and can stimulate tears. MORE: 6 Foods For Seriously Sharp Eyesight

Opt For Ointment

To combat cases in which eye dryness gets unbearable while you sleep, apply a tear-replacement/moisture-sealing ointment at bedtime to help ease your pain, says Sumers. These extra-thick, over-the-counter eye ointments contain white petroleum jelly and mineral oil, and they last longer than drops. To apply the ointment, pull the lower eyelid down, look up and squeeze a dab of ointment in the trough between your lid and eye. Blink to spread the ointment around. These thick ointments can blur your vision for a while, so they’re best applied when you’re already in bed, Sumers cautions.

Eat To Beat Dryness

In one study, women who ate about 2,350 milligrams of omega-3s a week had a 68% lower occurrence of eye dryness than those who ate less than 500 milligrams. “These fatty acids help manage symptoms by reducing inflammation,” says Linda Antinoro, RD. To try this nutritional remedy, take at least 500 milligrams daily of both DHA and EPA supplements. If you enjoy seafood, eat up to three 4-ounce servings of fatty fish like salmon or canned light tuna a week. MORE: 10 Things Your Eyes Say About You

Take A Contact Holiday

If you regularly wear contact lenses and are experiencing dry eyes, determine whether or not the lenses may in fact be the problem, says Ted Belheumer, OD. “You need to determine if you have a physical problem, or a mechanical one related to having contact lenses in for many hours.” So pop out those contact lenses, and put on your glasses for the rest of the day. You will likely notice quite an improvement. If you find your eyes are more comfortable without your lenses in, you may want to take a “contact holiday” at least 1 day a week—or more often. Invest in a flattering pair of frames to feel stylish even when you give your eyes their much-needed rest. MORE: 10 Things Optometrists Know—And Wish You Did, Too

Try Artificial Tears

Available over-the-counter, artificial tears help soothe tender, gritty eyes, says Sumers. A mixture of saline and a film-forming substance such as polyvinyl alcohol or synthetic cellulose, artificial tears can be used throughout the day. They come in different thicknesses, so experiment to find the brand that’s right for you, she says. The thinner versions are less likely to blur your vision or leave a residue on your eyelashes, but they do require you to use more frequent applications. Choose a preservative-free brand, because some preservatives can be toxic and damage the surface of the eye, Sumers says. Two good choices are GenTeal and Refresh Tears. Whichever type you choose, here’s how to insert the eyedrops. Gently pull down the lower lid and squeeze the drops into the corner of your eye near your nose. Keep the eye closed for a minute to make sure the drops stay in the eye. Use them anywhere from 1 to 10 times per day, depending on how severe your dryness problem is, says Sumers.

Get Into The Shades

Because wind and sun can further dry out your eyes, wear wraparound sunglasses, which extend past the sides of your eyes, suggests Sumers.

Stay Out Of The Direct Line Of Fire

A blast of heated air or air-conditioning might be just what the rest of your body needs to make the morning commute more bearable, but a direct flow of hot or cold air to your eyes can irritate them even more. If you have dry eyes, point your car’s air vents downward, says Sumers. That way, you’ll get the relief you need from the outdoor elements but without causing your already dry eyes any additional misery. MORE: 12 Foods That Lower Cholesterol Naturally According to Sumers, the same principle applies in your home. Aim heating and cooling ducts away from areas where you spend a great deal of time. This is particularly important if you have a forced-air heating system, which causes your eyes to dry out more quickly. When traveling by plane, make sure that the overhead air vents aren’t spilling air directly at your eyes. “Airplanes are notoriously dry environments, so don’t make matters worse on your eyes by having cool air blowing on your face,” she says.

Get Fresh

Open a window and let in some fresh air, says Sumers. This will allow some much-needed moisture into the room as well, which could do your dry eyes a world of good, she says.

Moisten The Air

Try a home air humidifier unit to moisten dry air in your home, suggests Sumers.

Avoid A Common Mistake

Too many people take an antihistamine when they suffer dry and itchy eyes. This makes already dry eyes even drier, says Sumers.

If part of your job description includes spending long hours in front of a computer screen, take occasional blink breaks, says Phillip J. Calenda, MD. By constantly staring at the task at hand, you don’t blink as much as you should, which causes eye moisture to evaporate more quickly. Taking a blink break will help restore the much-needed tear film over your eyes. Spending 5 minutes each hour looking off in the distance instead of reading or doing other close work will allow the eyes to blink more. MORE: Natural Remedies For Dry Eyes

Rest Yourself—And Your Eyes

Sleep expert Rubin Naiman, PhD, says, “During sleep, complex changes occur in the tear film—a thin layer of mucous, oil, and water that coats the eye, providing moisture and protection. Adequate sleep gives the eyes a break and replenishes the film.” Make it a goal to get at least 8 hours of literal shut-eye each night, without air blowing on your face from an open window, fan, air conditioner, or heater. If your bedroom air is dry (particularly in winter, when heating systems are on), use an air humidifier, says Sumers. Some people slightly open their eyes while sleeping, and moist air in the bedroom can be very helpful.

Rearrange Your Workspace

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the following changes in your workstation to minimize eye dryness and eyestrain while sitting in front of a computer.

Screen distance: Sit about 20 inches from the computer monitor, which is a little farther than reading distance, with the top of the screen at or below eye level.Equipment: Choose a monitor that tilts or swivels and has both contrast and brightness controls.Furniture: Make sure you have an adjustable chair.Reference material: Place papers on a document holder so that you don’t have to keep looking back and forth, frequently refocusing your eyes and turning your neck.Lighting: Modify your lighting to eliminate reflections or glare. A micromesh filter for your screen may help limit reflections and glare.Rest breaks: Take periodic breaks and be sure to blink often to keep your eyes from drying out.

Here’s 4 more ways to make your tired office eyes happier.

Dry Eye Treatments From The Kitchen

This “cure” comes straight from the kitchen sink. If your eyes seem dry, the rest of your body might be parched, as well. Do your best to drink more water, says optometrist Belheumer. And cut back on beverages that have a diuretic effect, he says, such as coffee and alcohol. MORE: 7 Things Your Eye Color Says About Your Health

When To Visit A Doctor About Your Dry Eyes

If you notice that your eyes are drier than normal for more than a day or two, get some professional advice, says Belheumer. The solution may be something as simple as changing your brand of contact lenses. Your doctor can help determine the cause of your dry eyes and if other steps are needed. A treatment your doctor might recommend is the insertion of a tiny collagen plug into your tear drainage canal of each eye, says Sumers. The plug helps conserve the tears that you naturally produce and also keeps artificial tears in your eyes longer.

Panel Of Advisors

Linda Antinoro, RD., is senior nutritionist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  Ted Belheumer, OD, is a doctor of optometry at Troy Vision Center in Troy, New York. He has been in private practice for more than 30 years. Phillip J. Calenda, MD, is an ophthalmologist in Scarsdale, New York. Rubin Naiman, PhD, is the director of sleep programs at Miraval Resort in Tucson. Anne Sumers, MD, is team ophthalmologist for the New York Giants and the New Jersey Nets, and has a practice in Ridgewood, New Jersey. She serves as spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.