Does aluminum cause Alzheimer’s?Nope. Once rumored to contribute to Alzheimer’s—research done about 40 years ago showed rabbits exposed to the metal developed nerve cell damage believed to be a precursor to the progressive form of dementia—the idea that aluminum in antiperspirants could lead to the disease has since been debunked by research. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, studies have been unable to confirm that aluminum exposure could cause Alzheimer’s. In fact, a 2002 study in The American Journal of Epidemiology looked at data from more than 4,600 people and found no association between regular use of antiperspirants and Alzheimer’s risk. What about cancer? No again. The American Cancer Society reports that there’s no clear link between aluminum and breast cancer. While some research has suggested that aluminum can be absorbed by the skin and lead to changes in the estrogen receptors in breast cells, absorption rates are actually quite small—according to one study in Food and Chemical Toxicology, just 0.012% of aluminum chlorohydrate applied to underarms is absorbed by the skin. And while there are some studies reporting links between antiperspirants and cancer, there appears to be more research that disproves any such connection: A 2002 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found no increased breast cancer risk among women wearing antiperspirants, and a 2006 study in the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal found no link between antiperspirant use and breast cancer either. Bottom line: “There’s just no solid data that proves that aluminum is anything to be worried about,” says Chris Adigun, DM, board certified dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. Doesn’t aluminum end up in your body? Probably not. “The wonderful thing about skin is that it protects us from the outside world, and that includes finely ground metals like aluminum,” says Adigun. Aluminum chloride gets into your sweat ducts to form a plug and stop sweat, but it stays right there in the opening of the duct until it falls out—it can’t penetrate through the natural layer of oil that sits on top of your skin and serves as a barrier (and no, this doesn’t mean that antiperspirant will keep you from sweating and thus mess with your body temp; you have so many sweat ducks that plugging up just the ones in your pits won’t harm you). Plus, says Adigun, our kidneys clear out any absorbed or ingested aluminum, so even if you happen to accidentally eat your antiperspirant (note to self—don’t eat antiperspirant), the worst thing that’ll happen is a stomachache.  So there you have it. Research says that aluminum is safe (and Adigun says aluminum chloride is the best active antiperspirant ingredient on the market), but if you prefer all-natural options or just aren’t sold on putting metal on your body, there are now a plethora of alternative deodorants to chose from. Check out these 5 Natural Deodorants We Love. MORE: The 23 Very Best Beauty Products Of The Year