1. The end of 3 squaresournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Forget mealtime—just eat anytime: A study published last year in the J suggests that over the past 40 years, more and more Americans have gotten into the habit of skipping meals, having extra meals, and eating large snacks in between meals. The danger with missing meals is that your blood sugar will plummet, you’ll crave quick energy, and you’ll snack impulsively on whatever food happens to be nearby, says Erin Spitzberg, MS, RDN, CDE, a registered dietician based in New Jersey and founder of Living It! Nutrition. “Usually when your blood sugar is low, you’re going to grab carbohydrates,” she says. “You won’t crave turkey breast or a cheese stick or carrot. You’ll look for things to bring your blood sugar up.” Five minutes later, you’ve torn through a bag of chips or a box of cookies. The fix: Set a reminder in your calendar to grocery shop weekly so that you get into the habit of having a well-stocked refrigerator, and plan meals and snacks. And plan to always carry healthy snacks, like carrots, almonds, or dried fruit, in sensible portions. (These 10 portable snacks packed with protein work.)
  2. Pastry pile-up that adults over 55 eat about 16 more calories a day from grain-based desserts than they did a few decades ago. That may not sound like much, but it could add a couple pounds to your frame every year. Every year there’s a new sweet treat making headlines—from 2010’s cupcake fever to 2013’s cronut to this year’s trend of dessert samplers. A recent study from the University of North Carolina suggests  We get it: Donuts are delicious, but all those sweet treats pack a caloric wallop. For instance, a croissant donut from Dunkin Donuts is 300 calories. If you must indulge in a pastry once in a while, consider eating just half. Also, says Ashley Koff, RD, founder of Ashley Koff Approved, think of way to pair the treat with protein and healthy fats. For instance, add a handful of nuts. (Learn how Alison cut out sugar and lost 10 pounds with Sugar Smart Express.) MORE: 9 Internet Nutrition Myths That Just Won’t Go Away
  3. Not-so-smoothie Log onto Facebook or Twitter and you’ll see someone peddling nutrition shakes. But are they all that great? It depends. “I hear people buying them thinking that they’re natural,” says Spitzberg. But those dozens of ingredients were processed before they ended up in that envelope or canister, so the end result is probably not as healthy as the label would lead you to believe. For a safe, natural smoothie, try one of our recipes. Next, think about why you’re turning to liquid nutrition as a go-to, rather than occasional treat. Shakes are an easy and convenient option for anyone who travels a lot or is short on time. However, for most people, they’re not a sustainable option. “I always say to my clients: ‘Fast forward a year, 5 years, 10 years. Do you see yourself still doing this?’ " says Spitzberg. If it doesn’t seem like a long-term strategy, think about a way to incorporate real food in your meals.
  4. Extreme flavor Late last year, Pizza Hut released their “Flavor of Now” menu, featuring new pies like the Pretzel Piggy, which boasts parmesan sauce, bacon, mushrooms, and spinach on a pretzel crust with a balsamic drizzle. Um, yum? Unusual flavor combos abound in the grocery store, too. Pringles is currently offering cheeseburger-flavored chips. Overwhelming your tastebuds is a sure way to make simple, whole foods like fruits and veggies seem boring by comparison. Plus, extreme flavors usually come at a high caloric cost, explains Koff, and little in the way of nutrition. Instead of turning to pre-fab flavor frankensteins, she recommends coming up with your own combinations using the spices in your kitchen—and use them to season foods that are rich in fiber and other nutrients. Try garlic powder or cinnamon on popcorn, rosemary on potatoes, and cauliflower with turmeric. (Work these 7 super-healthy spices into your cooking repertoire.) MORE: 19 Foods That Aren’t Food
  5. Charcoal: from the grill to your glass Several companies, including Juice Generation, have released drinks containing activated charcoal this year. ER doctors rely on activated charcoal to treat poisoning, but there’s absolutely no reason to shell out $10 a bottle to drink the stuff for a detox. Even worse, says Koff, the drinks can contain a lot of added sugar. Keep the charcoal in you BBQ, where it belongs.