More than 80% of diabetics with DPN reported painful symptoms, according to a recent survey of 1,004 adults, but health care providers estimated that fewer than 41% percent of them were hurting.  More from 14 Fantastically Healthy Foods For Diabetics “A patient with pain needs to speak fairly aggressively with their doctor,” says Bruce Parsons, MD, PhD, the senior medical director of Pfizer, which co-ran the research with the American Chronic Pain Association. “Part of the problem is that people don’t know it’s even pain,” says ACPA founder and CEO, Penney Cowan. “It’s not a shooting or stabbing pain, but it’s more like numbness, and it can feel like walking on broken glass even when they’re not standing.” Another symptom of DPN is increased sensitivity to pain, where something as light as a bed sheets can feel very uncomfortable. And as the disease progresses, there’s an increased risk of foot ulcerations.  Diabetics themselves often overlook DPN, too, because the numbness isn’t enough to seek treatment, so they believe that it’s something they can manage in the same way they do their blood sugar—but they can’t.  “Once a nerve is dead, the damage is irreversible,” says Cowan. “There are medications available, but that’s only a piece of the puzzle.” In addition to medication, Cowan believes learning the right skills to cope is key.  Enter: Diabetic Nerve Pain: Starting the Dialogue, an educational initiative from the ACPA and Pfizer aiming to bridge that gap between patients and providers. With communication tools, pain trackers, conversation guides and more, diabetics with DPN will not only be able to identify their symptoms, but they’ll be able to find relief. Here’s what won’t work: Pain relievers like advil and soaking your feet. Nerve pain is a very different experience, says Dr. Parsons, and it needs to be treated with nerve-specific meds—which is where your doctor comes in.  “It’s something that tends to get worse and is much better to be treated early than to prevent a number of complications,” says Dr. Parsons. More from Yoga Poses That Ease Diabetes Symptoms Be sure to ask questions, too. Cowan suggests a great way to start dialogue is to use the FIST formula, where you focus on the (f)requency that you experience pain, (i)mpact on daily activity, (s)ymptoms that you are experiencing, and the (t)ype of pain.  Finally, remember that while you’re not alone, a person living with pain has to be an active participant. “They can’t sit on the sidelines,” says Cowan. “It’s better to learn to manage it, so it doesn’t manage you. And that’s really why we started this.” For more information and tips, visit 

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy  What You Need To Know   Prevention - 52