Before the Trials started, we caught up with Dara Torres to see how she says so positively ageless: With the Olympic Trials coming up, what is your training like? Age is just a number: If you have the right attitude, you can do anything you put your mind to. Swimming is 80% mental and 20% physical. Now that I’m older, I’m concentrating more on my nutrition, dry land strength training—especially core strengthening—and also recovery. I incorporate Ki-Hara stretching into my everyday routine, and have a team of massage therapists who work my muscles after every day of training.  What are some advantages of NOT being the new kid on the block? I’m smarter now! I know what my body can take, and I know when I need to stop. Before, I would push myself to the limits without concentrating on rest and recovery. Now I’ve learned that training smarter is better than training longer. It has taken a while to figure out what works for myself, and now that I have the right formula, I’m ready to take on the youngins! Being older, I’m also able to leave everything in the pool after I compete. I bring my best so I can get out with no regrets. There’s no room in my life for regrets. I’m able to work my hardest pre-race, do my best during the race, and leave everything behind once I’m done, knowing I did everything I could. That’s a good feeling because it wasn’t always like that! Your littlest cheerleader is your daughter, Tessa, 6. How does being a mom affect your swimming?  When I competed before, I did it to win (as most young swimmers do). Now, although I hope to win again in London, it’s more about enjoying the ride and the people along the way. And having my daughter be able to be a part of it this time, too—that’s really what I’m looking forward to. My dedication and passion for swimming has made me a better mother. I want my story to set an example for not only my daughter, but for athletes worldwide. The lesson is simple: If you want to achieve something, hard work and dedication—with a side of sweat and tears—will get you there. By pushing my body to the limits and going against the odds, I am showing Tessa that it’s never too late to reach your goals. I want her to look at me as a role model and be proud of what I have accomplished. If that inspires her to be something great, then I have done my job!  Going after your sixth Olympics adds to an already impressive legacy. What message do you hope to send most? It’s humbling to know that I’m looked up to as a role model, not only to adults, but children around the world. Honestly, that is why I’m a Global Ambassador for the McDonald’s Champions of Play—I have the chance to encourage kids, like Tessa, to understand the importance of fun play and balanced eating. It’s all about balance; something I have had to learn while juggling being a mother and a competitive athlete. I frequently say to people, ‘the water doesn’t know how old you are.’ This can hold true for the basketball court, the golf course, the office, and so on. Just because you are a certain age doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve your goals or dreams. Capitalize on what you CAN do—not what you can’t do—and more than likely, you’ll amaze yourself. With passion comes desire, and with desire comes achievement.