Research presented at a recent joint meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society in Chicago sheds doubt on the safety of this BPA alternative: Preliminary animal studies find that BPS exposure changes the brain structure of zebrafish, resulting in hyperactive babies, and it may also cause heart arrhythmias in female rats. Both of these effects are similar to BPA exposure.  It isn’t surprising that another bisphenol chemical isn’t good for us, considering that science is still uncovering the risks of BPA. At the same conference, Duke University researchers presented evidence that BPA speeds the growth of breast cancer cells. What’s more: their study revealed that exposure to the chemical lowers the effectiveness of a targeted anti-cancer drug for inflammatory breast cancer—a rare, aggressive form of the disease that has one of the worst survival rates.   While we may have our guard up for bisphenol A, we should probably be weary of bisphenol S, too. “It’s fair to say that many of these BPA alternatives have not been thoroughly tested, yet they are used in everyday plastics,” says Fabio Stossi of Baylor College of Medicine, who has studied how bisphenols A and S affect estrogen cells.  Sonya Lunder, a senior analyst with the Environmental Working Group, suggests staying away from the culprits that we commonly associate with BPA: water bottles, baby bottles, the lining of canned goods, thermal paper, receipt paper, FedEx waybills, medical imaging results (e.g., ultrasounds), deli meat paper, and number 7 plastics, such as hard plastic toys, straws, and food containers. It may also be wise to limit your use of BPA-free products after a study published in the journal Environmental Health, found that these products leached the same type of estrogenic chemicals similar to BPA.  “The thing about plastics is that this is an investigative detective game that’s just starting,” Lunder says. “There may be common chemicals, but it isn’t clear which ones are in which objects.” So what’s a consumer to do? The less contact you have with plastics and the items listed above the better. Opt for glass and food-grade stainless steel containers when you can, as they may be the only truly bisphenol-free materials. As for receipts, decline them, keep them in an envelope, or have them emailed to you when possible (and if your job requires you to handle them, be sure to wear gloves). And definitely don’t recycle them and other thermal paper as they will contaminate other recycled paper, Lunder says. You also should wash your hands before preparing food after handling receipts or other possible BPA or BPS products. MORE: 70 Little Ways To Be Just A Bit Greener