Standing Forward Bend (Modified) Next time you’re find yourself in front of the fridge, stop and take a few minutes to slow down both your body and your mind. Sometimes burning off a little excess energy is all it takes to quiet your thoughts. Simple standing forward bends can help calm your busy brain and reduce stress. 

  1. Stand with your back about a foot from a wall and your feet hip-width apart. 
  2. Lean back onto the wall. Then gently bend your knees and fold forward, bringing your belly and chest to your thighs. Take 6 to 12 breaths, focusing on the exhalation. 
  3. Slowly roll up one vertebra at a time, until your back is leaning up against the wall again. Close your eyes, and take a few breaths. Repeat 3 to 5 times.  Get long and lean with sexy Flat Belly Yoga! Child’s Pose This relaxing pose can decompress your mind, letting you reflect on the emotion that’s driving you to eat. Taking a few minutes to slip into Child’s Pose gives you a chance to check in with your body and notice whether you’re actually hungry. 
  4. Begin by kneeling on the floor and sit down on your heels. 
  5. Separate your knees about hip-width apart, and place your hands on your thighs, palms facing down. 
  6. Inhale deeply and on your exhalation, bring your chest forward and nestle it between your thighs. Rest your forehead on the floor, if possible. 
  7. Bring your arms back and rest them on the floor alongside your legs, palms facing up. Hold this position for as long as feels comfortable.