[sidebar]Why it worksThe suction caused by cupping is meant to free up and balance the flow of qi (pronounced CHEE), or life energy, in the body, says Bryn Clark, a licensed acupuncturist and diplomate of Oriental medicine. It also seems to improve blood circulation. How it’s doneThe practitioner may create suction either by using a flame to burn the oxygen from the cup and then applying the cup to your skin or by placing the cup on you first and then removing the air through a valve. Any bruises that result clear up within 5 to 10 days. Who can benefitPractitioners have traditionally treated many ailments with cupping therapy. Clark uses it—often along with acupuncture—to treat pain, colds and sinus problems, high blood pressure, asthma, hot flashes, arthritis, painful or irregular periods, and more. Find a practitioner by searching the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine’s directory at nccaom.org More from Prevention: 20 Mind-Body Solutions That Actually Work