[sidebar] While that may sound like the worst way to get over an ex, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, find that sad music can offer the same relief as an empathetic friend, in that it’s supportive and makes you feel less alone. (See how else music can heal you.) To arrive at this conclusion, researchers asked over 200 participants a series of questions having to do with negative scenarios, such as losing a personal relationship and failing an exam. Afterwards, participants were asked to share which way they preferred to get rid of negative feelings: a funny or empathetic friend; or cheerful or sad music.  And even with the funny, cheerful options, participants unanimously preferred the empathetic friends and sad songs. It’s counterintuitive, but this approach can help a person feel understood, cared about and validated, says the study. When you think about it, it makes sense. Sure, sad songs can make you cry, but sometimes you need a good cry. Then, once it’s all out, you can focus on feeling better. (Yoga anyone? A little down dog has been shown to boost mood.) In which case, we crowd sourced Prevention.com staff and fans on Facebook for the songs they play when battling the blues. From Joni Mitchell, to Billy Joel and Beyoncé, we’ve got 50 songs for when you’re feeling sad. That’s not to say you shouldn’t ever listen to happy songs. But if you’re going through a tough time and want to listen to someone who’s been where you are, these tunes will do the trick.  More from Prevention: The Upside Of Sadness