MORE: Exactly What To Eat When You Have A Cold Or Flu Mucus-filled “productive” coughs are usually caused by allergies, colds, or other respiratory tract infections. Buildup of mucus in the airways makes it hard to breathe, and the body responds by trying to remove it. “Dry” coughs, on the other hand, are caused by irritation due to smoking, for example, or from inhaling fumes, dust, or other airborne irritants. Most coughs clear up on their own within a week to 10 days. In the meantime, here are a few cough remedies to reduce the discomfort, and make your coughing pass quickly.
Enjoy Slippery Elm Lozenges
Available in drugstores and health food stores, slippery elm is loaded with a substance that soothes the throat and helps reduce coughing. These lozenges even taste pretty good, says pediatrician Stuart Ditchek, MD. Suck on a maximum of 5 or 6 lozenges per day.
Try This Slippery Solution
The next time you have a wracking cough, try this helpful formula. Add 1 teaspoon of slippery elm powder or liquid to 2 cups of hot water. Stir in 1 tablespoon of sugar and a sprinkling of cinnamon, and drink it down, suggests Ditchek. If you use slippery elm liquid extract, use 1/2 teaspoon for kids 2 to 4 years old and 1 teaspoon for those 5 years and older, he advises.
Sip Ginger Tea
Ginger acts as a potent natural anti-inflammatory herbal agent. Most people use ginger tea as a way to soothe their painful throats, although fresh ginger from the produce section of your local supermarket is also good. MORE: Which Is Healthier: Ginger Or Cinnamon?
Try Zinc Lozenges
The research isn’t conclusive, but some studies suggest that sucking on zinc lozenges can reduce the discomfort of a scratchy throat. Most zinc lozenges contain 22 milligrams of zinc, but not all of it is absorbed, says Ditchek. Don’t take more than the amount recommended by your doctor. Zinc can be toxic in large doses.
Drink Lots Of Water
The body naturally loses fluids when you have a cold or flu. In addition, the accompanying congestion forces mouth breathing, which increases throat dryness and coughing, says Robert Sandhaus, MD, PhD. Try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. This will moisturize tissues and help calm the cough. Here’s another reason to drink more water. Mucous membranes kept moist are better able to resist cold-causing viruses, says Sandhaus. “If mucus is too thick, this barrier doesn’t work as well.” (Bored with plain water? Try one of these 25 sassy water recipes.)
Take Vitamin C
Nothing prevents the occasional cold, but studies have shown that taking vitamin C at the first sign of infection can cut the severity of symptoms, including cough, by about 50%, says Ditchek. Megadoses like those used in years past are no longer commonly advised, he adds. While the Daily Value for vitamin C is 60 milligrams, doses between 100 and 500 milligrams per day can be beneficial. A dose for a small child at the start of a cold should be 100 milligrams a day, says Ditchek. For older kids, go with 200 milligrams. “Foods high in vitamin C—such as citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers, and melon—are also a good option,” he says. MORE: Do You Have A Cold…Or The Flu?
Add Some Echinacea
Available in health food stores and most drugstores, echinacea helps the immune system battle cold viruses. This cough remedy may also reduce the duration and severity of coughs and other cold symptoms, says Ditchek. While clinical studies vary on the effectiveness of echinacea, many people include this herb in their wintertime regimens. For children, Ditchek advises 6 to 7 drops of standardized liquid extract in a small amount of water or juice. This can be safely done 3 to 5 times a day. “For older children, 8 to 15 drops should do the trick,” he says. Take 12 drops of echinacea tincture four times a day. In capsule form, take one or two capsules three or four times a day for 10 days to 2 weeks. People with autoimmune diseases or ragweed allergies should not take echinacea, says Ditchek.
Drink Something Hot
A cup of chamomile tea is a tasty cough remedy, especially if it’s flavored with honey and lemon. “Hot liquids are soothing when you have a cough,” says Sandhaus. Adding honey to tea may provide additional relief because the thick sweetener soothes irritated tissues and cough receptors in the throat, he says. Drinking plenty of broth, tea, or other warm fluids is particularly helpful for “dry” coughs. MORE: 6 Surprising Beauty Uses For Tea
Eat Raw Or Lightly Cooked Garlic
It’s rich in chemical compounds that help inhibit cough-causing viruses in the respiratory tract, says Ditchek. Garlic is a wonderful natural antibiotic that can assist in fighting off colds and common upper-respiratory infections. “Extracts of aged garlic can be used as well,” he says. Try to eat two to four garlic cloves each daily, Ditchek says. Or use garlic supplements, following the directions on the label. But avoid garlic supplements at least 7 to 10 days prior to any surgery. Using these supplements can increase the risk of bleeding, especially when used for long periods of time, he says. (Here’s why sprouted garlic is actually good for you.)
Swig Chicken Soup
And be sure to add lots of hot, pungent spices like pepper, garlic, and curry powder. The warm fluid and the pungent spices will help break up stagnant mucus in your beleaguered lungs, and these natural expectorants will help get rid of the mucus. MORE: 3,125 Chicken Soup Combos Like You’ve Never Heard
Humidify The Airways
Once or twice a day, take a long, hot shower or bath. Or plug in a vaporizer or humidifier. Breathing steam reduces airway irritation and makes mucus easier to cough up. Humidifying the air is a good way to prevent cough-causing colds and other infections, says Ditchek. Air that’s too dry takes moisture from the nose, throat, and lungs, making it easier for viruses to take hold.
Flush It Out
Using a salt and water solution to flush out the nasal cavity can do wonders to relieve a productive cough. A popular option is the neti pot—a ceramic pot that looks like a cross between a small teapot and a magic lamp. The salt solution in the neti pot is drained into each nostril. Nasal irrigation using this technique has been around for centuries, originating in Ayurvedic medicine. “Older kids and teens can use a neti pot to rinse out their nasal passages and relieve congestion,” Ditchek says. Neti pots are available at most drugstores.
Stay Away From Cigarette Smoke
Even if you don’t smoke, breathing secondhand smoke almost guarantees that you’ll have an irritated throat. Smokers often have persistent coughs, because the body responds to the irritation by producing enormous amounts of mucus, says Sandhaus. If you’re a smoker, the best thing to do is quit. Insist that friends or family members keep their cigarette smoke away from you. MORE: 7 Highly Effective Solutions For You Cough That Won’t Go Away
Consider A Cough Suppressant
Over-the-counter medicines that contain dextromethorphan (such as Triaminic DM or Robitussin DM) aren’t a cure for coughs, but they will help blunt the “cough reflex” in the brain. Doctors recommend these products for temporary relief only—when a cough keeps you up at night, for example. Cough suppressants should be used only if you have a dry cough, Sandhaus says. Productive coughs should be encouraged, not suppressed, because it’s important to clear secretions from the airways.
Use An Expectorant
One way to make productive coughs even more productive is to take an over-the-counter expectorant that contains guaifenesin (such as Robitussin). Expectorants make mucus thinner and easier to expel, says Sandhaus.
Blow Your Noise
For productive coughs, blowing your nose frequently helps eliminate mucus before it has a chance to stimulate the cough reflex, says Ditchek. “Postnasal drip is by far the most common cause of hacking coughs in young children,” he says. And these coughs worsen when you lie flat. “Teach kids from a very young age how to blow their noses to help relieve many episodes of cough,” Ditchek says. Gravity helps, too, so try elevating the head of the bed. MORE: 6 Things Your Mucus Says About Your Health
Control Heartburn
It’s a common cause of persistent coughs, says Ditchek. The same stomach acids that cause heartburn (also called gastroesophageal reflux) can also trigger coughing fits when the acids irritate the esophagus or airways. If you cough mainly at night, after meals, or while lying down, there’s a good chance that stomach acids are to blame. One of the easiest strategies to keep stomach acids where they belong is to elevate the head of your bed a few inches by putting wood blocks under the legs. It’s also helpful to eat four or five small meals a day instead of two or three large meals. Finally, stay on your feet—or at least sit upright in a chair—for at least 2 hours after eating. Avoid heartburn food triggers, such as dairy, that aggravate symptoms. If you want to try an herbal heartburn remedy, suck on licorice lozenges. Always use the deglycyrrhizinated form (DGL), which doesn’t generally cause blood pressure elevation. Always check your blood pressure if you use licorice lozenges for more than a few days, says Ditchek. The DGL lozenges come standard at 380 milligrams of licorice—suck on two a day before meals. Some taste better than others, so try out different brands. DGL is not approved as safe for children. (Or, try these 9 foods that cure heartburn naturally.)
Check Your Blood Pressure
If you take an ACE inhibitor (such as Vasotec) for high blood pressure and you have a persistent cough, the cause could be your medication. ACE inhibitors can cause cough, so talk to your doctor about testing a different antihypertensive medication, says Sandhaus.
Get Allergies Under Control
If you’re sensitive to pollen, mold, or other allergens, even a brief exposure can stimulate mucus production—followed by days or weeks of coughing as your body tries to remove it, says Ditchek. “Air purifiers at home or work are very important,” he says. “After a day of school or a few hours of outdoor play, children should bathe or shower immediately to remove any pollen. This will help tremendously.” Once you know what allergy is causing your cough, avoidance is the best approach. If you get hay fever, for example, stay indoors during the morning and evening hours, when pollen concentrations are highest. (Try these 7 natural allergy remedies.) For quick relief from symptoms, take an over-the-counter antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), loratadine (Claritin), or cetirizine hydrochloride (Zyrtec). “The prescription medication montelukast sodium (Singulair) is a safe, effective seasonal allergy treatment,” says Ditchek. Of all of these medications, diphenhydramine is the only one that can cause either drowsiness or hyperactivity, so use it with caution. Over-the-counter decongestants should not be used by children younger than 8. “The rapid relief from antihistamines is helpful when you’re having bad days,” says Ditchek. “I actually love recommending stinging nettles. It is often as or more effective than medications, and it doesn’t cause drowsiness or behavioral side effects. It simply takes longer to achieve therapeutic effect.”
Check For Asthma
One of the most common causes of unexplained cough is undetected asthma, says Sandhaus. “Asthma often shows up as a cough that lasts for weeks after a minor respiratory infection has cleared up,” he explains. Ongoing airway inflammation caused by asthma can be treated with inhaled steroids to quiet things down. The good news? “You’ll know what caused the cough and what to do about it, and inhaled steroids have little or no side effects when taken as directed,” Sandhaus says. MORE: 7 Things You Don’t Know About Asthma
Get Some Rest
It’s the oldest—and probably the most ignored—advice for combating cold symptoms like coughing. “People want to keep going, but you have to try to get some rest,” Sandhaus says. Otherwise, that “minor” cold and cough might progress to something a lot more serious, like pneumonia.
Cough Remedies From The Kitchen
“One thing that can trigger coughs is throat irritation,” says Sandhaus. Sucking on hard candy increases saliva flow. The combination of saliva and ingredients in the candy soothes irritated tissues, he says.
Chronic Cough Cause
After a cold, you feel okay but the cough hangs around. Sound familiar? Each year, people schedule 30 million visits to the doctor because of a chronic cough (one that lingers for more than 3 weeks). Often doctors can’t offer much help, but a Mayo Clinic study found that in one-third of cases, there may be an easy fix. When researchers examined CT scans of the sinuses of 132 patients with chronic coughs, they discovered that 37% actually had chronic sinusitis, an infection or inflammation that can cause coughing and sneezing. Sinusitis can be treated with antibiotics, decongestants, or a nasal steroid spray.
Bad Cough? Try This African Flower
South African tribes have long used the pelargonium flower (Pelargonium sidoides) to treat coughs and congestion. Known as umckaloabo, which in Zulu roughly means “chest cold and pain,” this member of the geranium family has deep burgundy flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Studies have shown that pelargonium shortens the severity and duration of sore throats and acute bronchitis. In a study conducted by US, Russian, and German researchers, 85% of those who took this herb were almost or completely symptom-free after 1 week. Pelargonium contains polyphenol compounds known to stimulate the immune system, helping it target viruses and bacteria. To try this natural cough remedy, look for Umcka ColdCare by Nature’s Way, available at health food stores and at Follow dosage instructions on the label.
When To Call A Doctor
If you cough up blood or if your cough lasts more than 2 weeks, see a doctor, says Sandhaus. Cancer and heartburn are both common causes of persistent coughs, he says. So are asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory diseases. “You have to worry about pneumonia, especially if the cough is accompanied by sharp chest pains, chills, or a fever higher than 101˚F,” says Sandhaus. Other warning signs include wheezing, shortness of breath, and leg swelling. When accompanied by a persistent cough, these symptoms could be a sign of heart failure, which requires immediate medical attention. Have your doctor take a throat culture in order to rule out strep throat, which requires an antibiotic, says Ditchek.
Panel Of Advisors
Stuart Ditchek, MD, is a pediatrician and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine in New York City. He is coauthor of the book Healthy Child, Whole Child and founder of, a parenting website. Robert Sandhaus, MD, PhD, is a pulmonary specialist, director of Alpha-1 Clinic, and professor of Medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver. He is also executive vice president and medical director of Alpha-1 Foundation in Miami and