The research, published in the Archives Of Internal Medicine, surveyed the prescription refill habits of more than 60,000 patients. Experts concluded that patients who were switched to a generic version of their medication—which typically means the new pills will differ in color or shape—were significantly more likely to stop refilling their prescriptions. The color of the pills seemed to have the most significant impact. “Patients should be aware that their pills may change color and shape, but even differently appearing generic drugs are approved by the [FDA] as being bioequivalent to their brand-name counterparts and are safe to take,” says lead study author Aaron Kesselheim, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Of course, this investigation doesn’t entirely prove that patients tend to skip generics—researchers need to do further studies that specifically survey participants on such questions. However, the researchers already have a few compelling explanations for the apparent trend: Because patients often remove pills from bottles (to put them into pill planners, for instance), a change in color might confuse them and curb their willingness to take the tablets. The physical qualities of a pill are also associated with how we expect it to impact us, the authors say, meaning that a change might reduce our expectations of effectiveness—and increase our tendency to skip a dose or two. More from Prevention: Are Generic Drugs Safe? In the future, experts hope to see new laws that require generic drugs to ressemble their brand-name counterparts. In the meantime, however, ask your physician about any changes to your prescriptions whenever they write up a new one. And don’t assume that just because you adhere to your daily dosage, you’re safe from the potential downsides of generic drugs. Here are three more common slip-ups that can harm your health: Not double-checking with your doc. Confirming that she’s switching you to a generic is one thing, but making sure it’s the right one is another. Last year, the FDA issued a warning about patients being incorrectly prescribed an antipsychotic instead of a Parkinson’s drug, because the two generics had similar names. And in a 2010 study, 91% of nurses reported that a high volume of generic drugs was causing erroneous dispensing of the wrong meds. Ask your doctor to confirm the name of the generic, and what it treats—then double-check once you fill the Rx. Following the wrong directions. In a recent study on over 1,500 generic drugs, investigators concluded that 9% of labels included errors like out-of-date safety information, incomplete data and, in one case, information for the wrong drug altogether. Experts recommend asking your doc for the brand-name information sheets, even if you’re getting the generic variety. Taking them without keeping tabs. Generic drugs are supposed to have the same effects as brand-name medication, but some research suggests they might not. Track your progress if your doctor switches you to a generic (diabetics, for instance, should jot down their blood sugar levels), recommends Joe Graedon, MS, and Teresa Graedon, PhD, authors of The People’s Pharmacy. Bring her the info if you suspect your generic isn’t up to snuff. You can also ask your doctor to put you on the brand-name drug for a month, then try the generic again (researchers call this a “drug challenge”). The exercise may help convince your insurance company to charge you the generic co-pay for your brand-name drug.  More from Prevention: 3 Medication Mistakes That Cost You Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team! Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: