In my hectic world, a perfect workout is short (no more than 20-minutes, start to finish), requires no equipment, absolutely does NOT involve an angry trainer yelling at you, and targets all four points on the fitness compass: strength, endurance, flexibility, and enhanced body composition (increasing lean muscle and burning fat).   It should also include moves that work your body through all three planes of motion, the sagittal (flexion/extension, like walking), frontal (abduction/adduction, like snow angels), and transverse (rotation, like turning around from the front seat of the car to tell your kids, “If you don’t start behaving, so help me…”).   This Wheel Workout hits all of these areas and will deliver a full-body burn that trims body fat and tones the muscles while being kind on the joints. A “wheel” workout gets its name from a bicycle wheel. The wheel has a hub in the center, and spokes on the outside. Every spoke comes in to the hub. Fittingly, a wheel workout has one base exercise that you return to before and after every spoke exercise. For this workout, you will be using a 1:2 hub-to-spoke ratio.   Here’s how to do it. We’ll use Up/Downs as the “hub” exercise. You’ll alternate between doing 30 seconds of Up/Downs with 1 minute intervals of each “spoke” exercise. That means, before and after each spoke, you’ll return to the hub. Proceed as follows, performing as many quality reps as you can in the time allotted. Make sure to warm up with a few full-body moves (marching in place, high knees) for a few minutes before getting started, and to cool down with a few minutes of easy stretching. MORE: 7 Workout Mistakes Setting You Up For Big-Time Hip Pain Time/Move 0:00 to :30: Up/Downs :30 to 1:30: Marching Planks 1:30 to 2:00: Up/Downs 2:00 to 3:00: Super Stance Jacks 3:00 to 3:30: Up/Downs 3:30 to 4:30: V-Ups 4:30 to 5:00: Up/Downs 5:00 to 6:00: Double Crisscross 6:00 to 6:30: Up/Downs 6:30 to 7:30: REST 7:30 to 8:00: Up/Downs 8:00 to 9:00: Marching Planks 9:00 to 9:30: Up/Downs 9:30 to 10:30: Super Stance Jacks 10:30 to 11:00: Up/Downs 11:00 to 12:00: V-Ups 12:00 to 12:30: Up/Downs 12:30 to 13:30: Double Crisscross 13:30 to 14:00: Up/Downs Up/DownsThis exercise is exactly as it sounds: a combination of standing up and sitting down. It’s that simple, yet when you repeat standing-to-seating, over and over again, it becomes a functional strength superstar for the buns, thighs, hip flexors, abs, and lower back. It also delivers a whopping heart rate response to strengthen the heart and lungs and burn body fat. For all of these reasons, Up/Downs will be the “hub” of our workout. 

How to do it: A. Sit on a chair and extend your legs out in front of you. Draw them back in to grip your feet to the floor. Keep your legs wider than hip-width, as your base of support will feel more stable with a wide stance. Find your natural turnout at your hips and track your knees in the same direction as your toes. B. Stand up! Be sure to rise in a fluid movement. This is called the kinetic chain. You “break” the kinetic chain when you snake your spine to get up. Next, reach your buns back to the chair to sit down, and extend your legs out in front of you. Immediately go into the next rep. To intensify, you could add a jump from seated to standing (also known as a vertical leap), but keep in mind that the low impact version with NO jump is plenty challenging, and kinder on the joints! Precaution: If you’re just getting started, pick a platform that sits just about two feet lower than the height of your hips. As you get more proficient, transition to a lower platform. Be aware of any limitations in your hips, knees, and lower back. Maintain a higher platform if you have restrictions in any of these areas. Marching PlankThis movement series is a progression of the basic plank hold. It strengthens the abs, lower back, shoulders, and glutes.

A. Assume low plank position. In “low plank,” your forearms are parallel to one another, and elbows are directly under the shoulders. Lift your body where only your forearms and toes are touching the floor.   B. While maintaining your plank, lift your right foot slightly off the floor. Try not to shift through the rest of the body. You will feel your abs FIRE to keep you stable! Put the right foot back down, and lift the left. Continue alternating the right/left hip extensions while holding an unwavering plank. MORE: Killer Arm Workouts That Your Can Do At Home Stance JacksThis compound exercise delivers an enormous heart rate response to strengthen the heart and lungs and burn body fat. It also tones the thighs, outer thighs, buns, obliques, and shoulders!

A. Assume a “horse riding stance” with legs wider than hip-width apart. Hinge at your hips and knees while keeping your spine erect. Twist at your torso to cross your opposite hand on the outside of your thigh or knee, depending on your available pain-free range of motion (deeper flexion to cross outside the knee is more challenging). B. Step in together and reach your arms overhead, making your body as long as possible. Repeat, crossing on the other side. To intensify, instead of stepping in, jump your legs together.  Keep in mind that the low impact version with NO jump is plenty challenging, and kinder on the joints! V-UpsThis is the very best core exercise for targeting the abs, hip flexors, lower back, thighs and inner thighs.

A. Lie on your back and reach your arms overhead and extend the legs away from you. Squeeze your legs together and point your toes. B. Exhale and lift both the upper and lower body off of the ground, bringing your finger tips towards your shins. The torso and legs should form the letter “V.” Inhale, resist gravity, and slowly return to starting position. To modify, only lift to double crunch position, instead of full V-Up. For Double Crunch, keep your lower back on the ground and lift your shoulders off the ground as you pull your knees towards your belly. At the apex of the exercise, your body is pulled into a ball with your hands touching your shins. Return to starting position and repeat. Double CrisscrossThis “double twister” abs exercise is sensational for firing through the external and internal obliques.

A.  Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your legs about 2-feet off the floor. Bring your right knee in and tap the knee with your left elbow then your right elbow.   B. Extend your right leg back out, and draw your left knee in, instead. Tap the left knee with your right elbow then your left elbow. To modify, keep your heels on the ground with knees bent (in standard crunch position).  Perform the rotation prescribed at the trunk without adding leg movement. MORE: 10 Ways To Burn Up To 60% More Calories Every Workout