If the thought of hopping on a scale twice a day makes you cringe, we hear ya: Research shows that this kind of hyper-vigilance about weight often does more harm than good. But even if you’re not a slave to the scale, do you have a good sense of your weight—and whether it’s in a healthy place? Fortunately, more Americans than ever seem to have that awareness: A new study published in the International Journal of Obesity reveals that people who are overweight and obese are more likely to accurately gauge their own weight than earlier research has suggested. More specifically, those carrying extra pounds are less inclined to underestimate their own weight than experts suspected. At first glance, these findings might seem entirely positive: After all, if we’re aware of our own weight, then we’re more likely to keep it in a healthy range, right? Unfortunately, researchers suspect that the results are due to an overarching cultural shift in perceptions of weight—rather than any newfound recognition about the health risks of carrying extra pounds. “Being obese or at least overweight has become much more common, shifting people’s expectations of what is a ‘normal’ or ‘acceptable’ weight,” says lead study author Manfred Stommel, PhD, of Michigan State University.  In other words, people may be more comfortable with packing on a few pounds—and copping to it in a survey—because those around them are loosening their belts as well.  So how can you stay aware of your weight (without going crazy) and recognize your own ideal range? Stommel suggests weighing yourself relatively frequently—weekly or once a day, depending on your goals. And don’t make numbers the sole focus: Do your clothes fit the way you want? Can you walk a mile without losing your breath? Both are good indicators that you’re at a healthy weight.   More from Prevention: The Weight Loss Numbers That Really Matter Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.