Those are the results of an intriguing study, whose results will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Researchers tracked 774 elderly people, 610 of whom had high blood pressure or were being treated for the condition. No matter the medication they took, study participants using blood pressure drugs showed fewer brain abnormalities associated with dementia when compared to participants who suffered from high blood pressure but weren’t taking the meds. Beta blockers, a common blood pressure drug, appeared particularly effective at staving off undesirable changes in gray matter (researchers also examined ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and calcium channel blockers). Plus, study participants who took beta blockers exhibited significantly less brain shrinkage, yet another hallmark of cognitive decline. “We were fascinated to find that beta blockers seem especially effective,” says study co-author Lon White, MD, of the Pacific Health Research and Education Institute in Honolulu. “For us, this is yet another piece in the mosaic of dementia research.” More from Prevention: Smart New Strategies To Ward Off Dementia For decades, aging experts have known that high blood pressure is indeed an important risk factor for dementia: If hypertension can be controlled during middle age and beyond, Dr. White estimates, dementia cases among older Americans would decline by around 17%. Experts suspect that high blood pressure causes damage to blood vessels in the brain, leading to scarring that eventually interferes with one’s cognitive ability. And one specific type of dementia, known as vascular dementia, seems to be triggered by a blockage of the arteries that provide blood to the brain. If you’re already taking blood pressure drugs, it’s too soon to consider a switch to beta blockers because of their potential anti-dementia impact, Dr. White cautions. In particular, the drugs are associated with several serious side effects, including fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and dangerous complications in diabetics. “This is a clue, and this should empower further research into prevention,” he says. “But I would not recommend that anybody change what they’re doing at this point.” Perhaps most importantly, the study highlights a vital aspect of dementia prevention: Keeping blood pressure under control. “Treating hypertension is incredibly important,” Dr. White says. “I would surmise that it is the single most important thing someone can do for preventing dementia, at least that we’re aware of right now.” Fortunately, there are plenty of drug-free options to keep blood pressure in check. The most important, however, might very well be diet: Limit caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, advises Andrew Weil, MD, a member of Prevention’s advisory board. What to replace them with? That’s easy: These 10 Delicious Foods That Lower Blood Pressure. Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team! Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: