The Arthritis Internet Registry, or AIR, is making a big push to get more people signed up for their online database. AIR—which started in 2010 as a joint effort of the Arthritis Foundation, Quest Diagnostics, and the National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases—will not only help doctors gather real-world data, researchers say, but will also provide patients with a sense of purpose and a simple way to manage their disease. Here’s the idea: If you have arthritis, you sign up for AIR and provide information about yourself, such as what medications you take, your activity level, where you live, and how you feel in day-to-day life. Researchers will then use the data you and your peers provide to help create new treatments. “We really need to see what’s happening in everyday life and what experiences people are having,” says Kaleb Michaud, a co-founder of AIR and an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. “People can report back about what’s working and what’s not,” he says, adding that even the best clinical trials can’t achieve this level of personal, real-life detail.  Another cool aspect of AIR, Michaud says, is the fact that it will ultimately allow researchers to sort patients by many different factors, including location, genetics, and overall health. And that could mean big strides for the arthritis research community. But what’s in it for you? A whole lot, Michaud says. “It can be a way to help manage your disease,” he says. “It helps you keep track of what happened when, and how your health is going.” In other words, it’s an easy way to keep a simple diary of your disease.  Plus, Michaud says, you might benefit from some of the advancements researchers are hoping to make from your information. “You can feel good knowing you’re making a difference,” Michaud says. So far, the database has 1,300 members. By the end of 2012, the group hopes to have at least 3,000, with the ultimate goal being 20,000 or more members. To sign up for AIR, visit For more resources on how to help manage your arthritis pain right now, check out these Prevention resources:  

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