The problem: Teeny silver particles slough off every time you wash your sweaty clothes. And, according to a new study in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, they get absorbed by your skin when you sweat, exposing you to untested, and potentially unhealthy, levels of this metal. In the study, scientists were trying to determine how much nano-silver people are exposed to from treated clothing under real-world conditions. So they simulated the kind of wear-and-tear that these clothes items undergo when worn by sweaty, active people by exposing the clothes to artificial human sweat and placing them in a washing machine. Using the results of this test, they estimated how much silver your body might absorb via sweat glands. The researchers said that exposure to silver would be “significant” for anyone wearing these clothes, in an amount that’s three times higher than the amount you’d get if you take a dietary supplement that contains silver. Silver nanoparticles have never been tested for safety when used in consumer goods, however silver nanoparticles have been shown to damage lung, liver and kidney function in animals. If you’re worried about smelly workout clothes, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Because sweat can be oily, it can build up on clothing, becoming difficult to remove with regular detergents and water. Vinegar helps break through oils on fabric, and it serves as a deodorizer. More from Prevention: Is Hot Yoga Safe?