“People may not realize that more relief is possible,” says lead researcher David Skoner, MD, chief of allergy and immunology at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, which sponsored the survey. “Doctors sometimes don’t ask enough questions about symptoms or aren’t aware of the most optimal treatments. Sometimes patients aren’t doing enough: They don’t volunteer the right information, or they fail to take doctor-suggested steps that would help.” Pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, mildew, and pet dander were the most common allergens reported by study participants. While 80% took allergy medications, one-quarter of those still had stuffed-up noses, sinus pressure, fatigue, sneezing, or watery eyes, and nearly one-third still had postnasal drip.If you’re suffering from allergies—even after seeing your doc—here are 5 things you might try:

  1. Find your allergy triggers. Note all the details surrounding your allergy flare-ups: where you are, what you’ve been doing, what time of day and year it is. Then report them to your doctor, telling her exactly how the symptoms feel. 
  2. Change your environment. Ask your doctor how to minimize exposure to substances that prompt your flare-ups. Keeping pets out of certain rooms, covering your mattress, or running the air conditioner to filter out pollens are some commonly used and effective allergy countermeasures. 
  3. Ask about corticosteroid sprays. Low-dose prescription corticosteroid nasal sprays can be extremely effective for relieving chronic congestion with minimal side effects. 
  4. Get the latest treatment. Ask your doctor if she’s familiar with the state-of-the-art treatment guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. If she’s not, direct her to the website of the Joint Council of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology.
  5. Be persistent. Go back to your family doctor if symptoms don’t improve. Or ask for a referral to an allergist. More from Prevention: 42 Quick Home Cures